Dr. Chuck Corry forwarded me the following press release: "Colorado Springs, Co. - State District Judge Thomas L. Kennedy was named as a defendant in a $36 million lawsuit filed this day in Colorado Springs, Co. The lawsuit is asking for the disbarrment and the removal of Judge Kennedy for Fraud and Conspiracy to Commit Fraud. Plaintiff, Michael Sandifer, a "Father For Equal Rights" advocate called the Family Court System of Colorado "a cess pool of graft and corruption." Other named defendants are: Robert J. Frank, partner in the law firm of Tegtmeier, Frank & Jones, Virginia Etheridge, a Colorado Springs attorney, Connie W. Frhoring, former President of the Colorado Childs Play Therapy Association, and 5 other defendants. For further information contact Chuck Hansen at (719) 748-9058." Legal action is often a path to quick social change. It will be interesting to see if this case is heard and its outcome.