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The Mensactivism.org Media Watch
posted by Scott on Wednesday July 18, @06:38PM
from the media dept.
The Media I added a Media Watch page to track companies or groups that portray men positively or negatively in the media. Use the list to voice your opinion to these entities and encourage pro-male portrayals and discourage (even boycott) companies or groups which bash men on a regular basis. The initial list is a compilation created from our last on-line chat session and recent e-mails we received on the subject. Thanks so much to the people to contributed to this list!

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Media Watch Page (Score:1)
by Kyle Knutson on Thursday July 19, @09:52AM EST (#1)
(User #32 Info)
I take fairly strong exception to including "The Man Show" in the pro-male category. I honestly feel that it more accurately deserves a spot in the anti-male list.

I've bothered to watch this show only three times, but each time it seemed to play into just about every negative -- and totally stupid -- male stereotype you can think of, e.g., men as beer drinking slobs, men as breast-obsessed morons, men as all-around social cretins, etc.

One episode that I found especially demeaning and disrespectful of men involved a camera in a men's restroom filming men at the urinals. Laughs all around, I tell you. Ha ha. The ever popular theme of men's dignity as an oxymoron.

Thus from what I've seen, there's not a thing about "The Man Show" that even remotely affirms the dignity and worth of men, so let's call it for what it is -- just another half hour of male bashing.

Re:Media Watch Page (Score:2)
by Nightmist (nightmist@mensactivism.org) on Thursday July 19, @10:41AM EST (#2)
(User #187 Info)
While I will not defend "The Man Show" as "pro-male," I will say that I find it funny. If you watch it, you'll see that they poke just as much fun at female stereotypes as they do at male stereotypes. I do believe that there is a line between poking fun and bashing, but, of course, we won't all agree on where that line actually lies.

As I said during that chat session, my all-time favorite "Man Show" skit was when Adam and Jimmy were attempting to repeal women's suffrage. They had a booth out on the street where they collected signatures of people who wanted to "end women's suffrage," which they sometimes phrased as "the suffrage of women." You wouldn't believe the number of women who signed the petition thinking that "suffrage" meant "suffering." :) They even managed to get one woman to carry the petition around for them and try to recruit other women to sign.

I believe several of us mentioned during the chat that we, as men, generally have a sense of humor about ourselves, and we can certainly take a little fun-poking. It's when that fun-poking becomes mean-spirited and out of hand that I start to get upset (woman pushing her boyfriend off a six story balcony in the Radox Bath Salts commercial, for instance, or the "women are superior and men will do anything they ask for an Arbor Mist and amusingly hurt themselves doing it" Arbor Mist ads; or the American Greetings "Honey, men are like slinkies. It sure is fun watching them tumble down the stairs" greeting cards.

I think "The Man Show" is really all in fun, and if it bashes anybody, it bashes *everybody.*

Re:Media Watch Page (Score:1)
by Scott (scott@mensactivism.org) on Thursday July 19, @01:57PM EST (#3)
(User #3 Info) http://www.vortxweb.net/gorgias/mens_issues/index.html
I tend to agree - while I've never seen it myself, I get the impression the show is more about politically incorrect humor than about being pro-male. I will remove it from the list, but give me a day or two; work has been incredibly hectic and I don't have much time to spare tonight.

Thanks for your thoughts,

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