I'm posting this at the request of Glenn Sacks:
Headline distorts writer's intention
In last Wednesday's issue of the Daily Bruin I refuted UCLA professor Christine Littleton's statement, "It is women who do the work of the world" ("Women don't do the work of the world, men do," Daily Bruin, Viewpoint, April 4).
Unfortunately, a misleading headline was placed on my submission, a headline that implied that my argument was that women do not work and that only men do. This obviously does not reflect my views. While I believe that men's labor and contributions are often ignored by our society, I explained in my submission that men and women, both in the United States and the world, work roughly the same amount, when work both inside and outside the house is counted.
The implication of the headline is just as absurd as Professor Littleton's original statement, and is exactly the kind of one-sided gender vilification that I oppose.
Glenn Sacks
UCLA graduate