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Deadbeat Dads Portrayed as Dogs |
posted by Scott on Friday February 16, @07:21PM
from the news dept.
Kathleen Parker's column in the Orlando Sentinel describes a campaign by Alabama to crack down on deadbeat dads. Ads were taken out in local newspapers which show pictures of deadbeat parents (only one of them, though, is a woman) with the title: "Lost Dogs: Have You Seen Us?" Although the ads are targeting the worst offenders, they still send a powerfully strong anti-male message, and some father's rights groups are planning lawsuits against the state for violating the civil rights of those depicted by the ads. Stuff like this really makes by blood start to boil. I wonder how many more steps can be taken to "beat dead" fathers who owe child support when absolutely nothing is done to ensure the money is actually spent on the child's needs? It just seems too one-sided.
Source: Orlando Sentinel [newspaper]
Title: Alabama support law dogs dads
Author: Kathleen Parker
Date: February 14, 2001
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I just read a good letter that Richard Weiss wrote to Governor Don Siegelman (AL). In it he explained how this was essentially a witch-hunt campaign and reminded him of colonial times when offenders were put in the stocks for public ridicule. I think these were some good points. We really haven't progressed much since then, have we? Or perhaps we have - now instead of being known as a deviant within your own community, it can be known throughout the country and world within minutes of being posted on the internet.
by Anonymous User on Monday March 19, @10:54AM EST (#2)
Well one thing has changed.
It is ok to bash men. Everyone else has civil rights.
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