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The Invisible Male Victims of Domestic Violence
posted by Scott on Thursday February 15, @12:21PM
from the domestic-violence dept.
Domestic Violence I'm back - though I could use some sleep. :) The EastSideJournal printed a great story about the way men are systematically ignored in DV awareness campaigns, and points out some of the most prevalent (and false) statistics about DV. From the article: "For years, we have been told that domestic violence is a serious problem: it must not be tolerated in any form and every victim must be believed. Yet, countless victims of domestic violence are ignored by the system, dismissed as liars, and even charged as abusers. These victims have been hit, kicked, punched, bitten, choked, knifed, shot, run over with cars, and even set on fire. They are men."

Source: East Side Journal [newspaper]

Title: Gender profiling prevalent in domestic violence

Author: Lisa Scott

Date: February 13, 2001

Pro-Father Radio Program | Congressmen Move to Create Office of Men's Health  >

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