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by Anonymous User on Friday February 09, @04:42PM EST (#1)
Seriously, this is such bullshit. 700 rapes per year at a university???!!!
First, if the school wanted to publish that, it would be such bad PR no female students would apply there...
Second, how in the hell can 700 rapes occur each year and people NOT BE AWARE OF IT?
Excuse my rant, but I just can't imagine how things like this can happen at universities - supposed centers for learning about reality and truth. You'd think these "educated" people would have enough sense to know about statistics and realize the scope of what they're saying.
Those "educated" people know exactly what they're saying.
The missing ingredient in your rant is that if people can often be self-absorbed, at universities the self-absorption rate is so high it's a wonder the whole place doesn't collapse in on itself with a huge sucking sound.
Notice the contradiction in this piece: on one hand, the university is taken to task for wallpapering over violent incidents on campus. They do this for exactly the reasons you state: to avoid sullying the reputation of the university. Then, on the other hand, they're accused of radically inflating statistics on rape. They do this because it's PC... it's "cool" to have a lot of rape on campus, because then they become victims and need lots of help... $500,000 worth of help. The net effect of this final item is to make campus much safer (now they have a task force)but only for women. That, in the end, is why they used that ridiculous figure: they wanted more security on campus, but only for women. What about the student murdered in his dorm? He was a man; keeping him safe isn't such a big concern.
All of this is old news to anyone who has spent time in a university, but it gets worse: the result of all of this jockeying for a half a million dollars means that a university campus, which is probably the safest place this side of the next university campus, now has $500,000 to play with that won't be going toward making some downtown ghetto safer for the people who live therepeople who really are in danger (and women who really are in danger of being raped, for that matter). So, as usual, the university's obsession with making campus life absolutely risk-free has deprived some other, truly needy people of the resources they need to make their lives bearable. As Marie Antoinette once said, "Let them eat cake!"
If that was too long-winded, the executive version is this:
University campuses are probably the safest places in any country for both men and women. Spending more money on law enforcement there just takes money away from law enforcement where it's really needed. All of their posturing notwithstanding, university people are even more selfish than the general population. University people tend to be socialist, or even communist, but not to the point that they would let anyone cut their budget for the good of "the masses."
I'm sure the academics who are responsible for this exaggeration and the acadmic officers who have to answer for them are well aware that they had better persist in their fiction, on pain of defrauding the federal government.
I meant to say that now they're in the impossible position of having to maintain a statistically highly unlikely proposition. It probably won;t stand up under examination, if there is one.
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