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Lynne Cheney, Anti-feminist Second Lady?
posted by Scott on Wednesday February 07, @10:55AM
from the news dept.
News David Byron writes "An article about Lynne Cheney in the New York Times (requires free subscription) compares her to Hilary Clinton as a political wife who may have considerable influence on the administration. She is a member of the Independent Women's Forum and although she's kept a pretty low profile so far didn't give the usual answer that so many public women opposed to feminism give when asked about feminism ("That depends what you mean by feminism"). Here's a quote from the article: "Asked if she considers herself a feminist, Mrs. Cheney, who is 59, said: 'In the early days I certainly did, though now that's identified with a political philosophy I don't agree with. I'm pro-life and think Clarence Thomas is a wonderful justice.'"

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