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Man's Lawsuit Over Paternity Fraud Allowed To Go To UK Court
posted by Scott on Thursday January 25, @12:50PM
from the reproductive-rights dept.
Reproductive Rights In encouraging news for Choice for Men supporters in the UK and abroad, a British judge ruled that a man may sue his ex-wife for paternity fraud and attempt to collect damages for raising a child who is not his own. The ruling "was welcomed as a caution to women tempted to hoodwink lovers into accepting responsibility for another man's child." You can read the story from the UK Telegraph at this link.

Source: The Telegraph [UK newspaper]

Title: Man can sue lover over son 'deception'

Author: Maurice Weaver

Date: January 23, 2001

Woman Who Shot And Almost Killed Husband Is Now Suing For Support | Men's Health Programs Lag By A 5:1 Margin At DHHS  >

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