George McCasland writes, "I'm George McCasland, the person that answers the 1-800-SEE-DADS line for the National Congress for Fathers & Children. I would like to invite all of you to go to the NCFC-MoKan Chapter Web site at: kidsndads.org and click on the "Shelter" link. We are in the process of putting together a domestic violence shelter for men and children in the Kansas City area. This will be the first major center of its type in the country, and we hope will serve as an example for other shelters. I would like you to review our proposal and consider donating towards this effort. If nothing else, review it, and tell others about what we are trying to accomplish. We will not be able to change the public's views on domestic violence against men and their children, until we can show more than just some studies. We need to be showing some live examples of its effects. So please, take a look and consider helping in our effort."