As of August, 2000, Colorado's leading newspaper has run some fifty
(50) stories on domestic violence against women, lesbians, and gays
since July, 1999
http://www.denverpost.com/news/violence/violence.htm Incredibly, not
one story covers intimate violence against or abuse of heterosexual
men by women.
Is this what passes in Colorado for fair and balanced reporting?
None of the stories such as the one of the U.S. Attorney who ran over
her boyfriend twice, the FBI agent who hit her husband in the face
with a snow shovel, or any of the rest of the many news stories the
Denver Post covered on domestic violence against men are included or
referenced in your coverage of family violence.
Conversely, many vignettes describing violence by Colorado women
against their intimate partners can be found in the Violent Women
chapter of Domestic Violence Against Men - Colorado at
Some of the many murders of husbands and lovers by women in Colorado
are covered in the Women Who Kill section at
I will admit that the idea that heterosexual men should have equal
rights with women and homosexuals is radical in these enlightened
times. However, heterosexual men are people too.
Note also that seven resources are given in Colorado for gay and
lesbian help with domestic violence http://www.dvmen.org/dv-87.htm
while only two can be found for heterosexual men
http://www.dvmen.org/dv-81.htm and those two are very limited.
I don't think fewer services should be provided women or homosexuals
who are victims of intimate violence. But there is no known reason
that established shelters cannot help ALL victims of abuse and
violence regardless of sex or sexual orientation.
At present, however, I wouldn't suggest any abused man call up the
local shelter and expect help. Perhaps that can be changed?
Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A.