As I mentioned in last week's posting, Sen. Strom Thurmond
introduced the companion Men's Health Act in the Senate. It is
bill number S. 2925.
So this week, let's make it real simple: Cut and paste this letter
on your letterhead, make whatever changes you want, and send it off
to your Senator.
That's it for now!
The Honorable [name of senator]
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
RE: Support Men's Health Act - S. 2925
Dear Senator ________,
Men die 6 years sooner than women. That means that every year,
40,000 men die unnecessarily in the United States. Most of these men
are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. This means that when a man dies
prematurely, he leaves behind a widow and children who will grow up
without their daddy.
In January of this year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services approved Healthy People 2010, a plan to eliminate all health
disparities by the year 2010. But unfortunately the DHHS has not
taken any concrete steps to implement this plan in order to solve the
problem of premature male mortality.
Recently, Senator Strom Thurmond introduced the Men's Health
Act, S. 2925. The purpose of the act is to establish an Office of
Men's Health in the DHHS.
This November, the male vote will decide the outcome of hundreds,
if not thousands of elections.
Please become a co-sponsor of S. 2925. All your constituents---men,
women, and children---are counting on you.
Your Name Here
Ed Bartlett is the senior policy advisor for Men's Health America, which
does research, education, and advocacy on behalf of men's health.
To subscribe to Ed's e-mail list, mensheath, create an account at
egroups.com and subscribe to the menshealth list. Ed will be sending out
his action alerts via the list, which is very low traffic.