Carl Friedan, former husband of Betty Friedan, has created a web site to speak out against the "misleading allegations of spousal abuse made by my ex-wife", which were made in Betty Friedan's recent book Life So Far. According to Mr. Friedan, the claims made in Life So Far are misleading at best, and he paints a much more complex description of their marriage. Particularly relevant is the "Living with Insanity" section of his site. Note also that in a recent Washington Post article, Betty Friedan is quoted as saying "I almost wish I hadn't even written about it, because it's been sensationalized out of context...My husband was no wife-beater, and I was no passive victim of a wife-beater. We fought a lot, and he was bigger than me", which sounds much like a weak admission that things weren't quite as she made them out to be.