Justifying Women's Violence "Kill all Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Apparently the recent Wisconsin female school shooter, Samantha Rupnow was known to spew hatred towards men and to believe that all men needed to be killed in order for women to be free to create a new world. I don’t think she offered an explanation of where the sperm might come from in order continue propagating this paradise, but maybe she just didn’t think that far ahead? The media is staying fairly quiet about this. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if a male mass shooter openly stated that he wanted to kill all women. You would never hear the end of it.

Where did this young woman get this sort of stance? You need look no further than the radical feminists who have been encouraging this sort of thing for some time. Valerie Solanas and her Scum Manifesto are an extreme version of this, but there are many others. The depersonalization of men has been one of the hallmarks of not just radical feminism, but also mainstream feminism. One example of that is the “I bathe in male tears“ mantra that is so prevalent and ubiquitous. People don’t think much of that phrase, but what would they think if someone said they bathe in Black tears, and wore t-shirts making that claim in public? What would the public think? They would quickly be labelled as dangerous racists. It’s easy to see the hatred when the group is almost anyone other than men. This sort of thing is diminishing the humanity of men. And there are many other ways that men’s humanity has been ignored or worse. The feminist refusal to allow men into treatment centers as victims of domestic violence is another example, or issues around reproductive rights or circumcision. Men are portrayed as not needing special care, of actually being less than human. This, along with men’s already existing disposability and gynocentric disadvantage, degrades men and prepares the ground for the more radical views of simply killing men. The explanation for this hatred is of course, that they deserve it. The "Battered Woman Syndrome" is a tragic example of this.'

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