Jordan Peterson Isn’t Dangerous. Stop Censoring The Movie About Him

Article here. Excerpt:

'In recent weeks, venues in three North American cities have cancelled screenings of a new movie, “The Rise of Jordan Peterson.” In each case, from Toronto to Brooklyn to Portland, the decision was made in response to criticism that Peterson, a Canadian psychologist who was thrust into fame in 2015 with a controversy over trans pronouns and a series of viral You Tube videos, is a dangerous far-right fanatic. There were also threats that showings might be protested, perhaps violently.

Lets be clear on one thing right off the bat: this allegation is pure and simple nonsense. First of all, unlike the violent activists who dub themselves “Antifa” and busy themselves throwing milkshakes at people if they aren’t punching them, Peterson spent much of his early career studying the psychological elements at work when populations come to accept fascistic and totalitarian regimes.'

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