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New Study Confirms Males Outperform Females in Engineering-Related Tasks
posted by Matt on 04:56 PM June 20th, 2006
Education oregon dad writes "Here is another study that clearly shows that boys outperform girls in Math, Chemistry, and Physics. These are the foundation courses for Engineering degrees and this study points out (AGAIN!!) why Men perform better in that function."

Ed. note: What is really interesting about this report is that more women then men are now graduating with engineering degrees from universities and colleges. So why is it that men are graduating at a lesser rate in not just these fields but generally while as boys taking AP tests just a few years before, they are generally scoring higher? Very strange indeed.

College is filled with plenty of opportunities for distraction as well as, we know, special scholarships and support programs for women who want to go into engineering and the sciences. Perhaps between these two forces, the net result is what we see today: fewer men graduating with engineering degrees than women, and fewer men attending/graduating from college overall-- with the increasing tendency of this trend showing no signs of slowing.

RADAR Alert: Mark Your Calendar, Hold the Date: June 26! | Woman Commits Suicide-- Husband Blamed and Arrested  >

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Nice post... (Score:1)
by brotherskeeper on 08:56 PM June 20th, 2006 EST (#1)
Excellent post, Oregon Dad.

Do you have the reference for the statistics on graduation rates? I could use that.

where I study.. (Score:1)
by n.j. on 08:15 AM June 21st, 2006 EST (#2)
..definitely much more men than women are graduating in the technical sciences, though it was pretty much no women a few years ago (also a bad situation that I would call as unnatural as a 50/50 rate).

BTW; what men are doing worse in.. am I the only one who's bothered by the headline saying "confrim"? ;)
Re:where I study.. (Score:1)
by oregon dad on 09:27 AM June 21st, 2006 EST (#3)
My apologies.
Re:where I study.. (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 10:27 AM June 21st, 2006 EST (#4)
LOL! I corrected the spelling in the headline, and thanks for mentioning it.
Stop the presses! ...Oh, no, wait, Don't. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 01:19 PM June 21st, 2006 EST (#5)
Betcha won't see THIS story reported by the mainstream media.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Stop the presses! ...Oh, no, wait, Don't. (Score:1)
by jim4146 on 02:57 PM June 21st, 2006 EST (#6)
Thundercloud and all other activists...is it me or am I reading too much into this? Notice the wording in the beginning of the first paragraph:
"There is clear evidence that men perform better at spatial tasks and women outpace men on tests of verbal usage and perceptual speed". The perception is that the area we do better is made to appear as if nothing truly significant...whereas with women...they "outpace us" as in "leaving us in the dust" not just in one but in two areas. I guess they're still more efficient than us males..huh?
Re:Stop the presses! ...Oh, no, wait, Don't. (Score:1)
by oregon dad on 03:38 PM June 21st, 2006 EST (#7)
men perform better at spatial tasks and women outpace men on tests of verbal usage and perceptual speed

what this means is that we (MEN) find the answer and they (wombMEN) are very quick (perceptual speed) to recognize that we (MEN) found the answer and they (wombMEN) begin bitching about it(verbal useage).

but the point is that MEN find the answers and find them first. and they find them by being creative in the hard sciences (math, chemistry, physics) and by taking risks. and they have built civilizations, computer chips, bridges, skyscrapers and, have gone to the moon.

and while they may try to FORCE US to raise our boys as girls, we must continuously fight this crime against huMANity - and point to the positive contributions that Men everywhere can and should be proud of.
A Site to Explore if You Care about Boys Education (Score:2)
by Roy on 11:21 PM June 21st, 2006 EST (#8)
I was Googling to try to find out how many high school valedictorians and salutitorians (#1/#2) graduates were female or male nationally.

No luck. No stats.

Though in my neighborhood (and indeed in my own family) they are all girls --- young women deserving every congratulation, and moving on to prestigious universities.

How many young men in this FemAmerica graduated from HS No. 1? (What's the percentage nationally?)

How many young men just gave up and said, "no mas" to the feminist indoctrination that dominates the secondary ed. shitstem?

How many just renewed their Ritalin prescription?

When Hillary is President, all this will be fixed.

Explore this link --

Let's Not Confuse the Situation with Facts! (Score:1)
by bull on 12:34 AM June 22nd, 2006 EST (#9)
Men have better spatial skills and women have better verbal skills; nothing new here. Radical feminists simply refuse to acknowledge this empirically supported fact. Instead, they continue to look for ways to blame society (the patriarchy) for gender gaps in the hard sciences. Problem is, no amount of social policy meddling will ever change the facts. Moreover, what radical feminist is interested in facts that could undermine their victim status? The concept of scientific method is completely lost on these bimbos anyway. They have their own methodology: invent conclusions, support conclusions with drivel, and never waiver. Most of these fem-nags have their head so far up their ass that they will never see the light of day again. But, alas, they have the verbal skills. Skills they use relentlessly to hoodwink dim-wit politicians into changing social policy to their advantage, and of course, at the expense of men. These social policy changes have resulted in a decrease of men attending college and the manipulation of standards to accommodate women. We may just be heading towards a third-world society.
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