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by Roy on 07:31 PM May 31st, 2006 EST (#1)
These quotes from the program really struck a nerve ---
"For boys, school is about sitting down, being quiet, and listening to women talk ... boys think the game is rigged…"
"We make girls’ behaviors the Gold Standard, against which everything is measured, and boys resent it!"
"Women teachers … must contain boys. They are afraid of their truthful expressions...."
Perhaps predictably, almost all the show’s callers were teachers... And 90% were women teachers.
To their credit, they were very concerned about the gender politics in their classrooms, and want the boys and girls to succeed equally.
And some also wanted to have more male teachers in K-12. (Just gotta reform the "he’s a pedophile" legal trap before this might happen…)
As luck or irony would have it, just today I received a solicitation from the American Association of University Women, the very organization that was the source of the 1991 "girls’ school crisis" report that started the program.
In all of their expensively printed propaganda (even a free bumper sticker that states
"Because EQUITY is still an issue"), there is not one single mention that women today dominate K-12 education as teachers, that girls graduate from high school at a rate 35% higher than boys, that young women now comprise 57% of college enrollments.
There’s a separate flier on the gender pay-discrepancy myth, with the usual 76-cents BS.
Here are few blurbs from AAUW’s solicitation –
* "What assumptions about women blind our society today? Are we living up to our full potential? Will our daughters look back and thank us for shattering myths and opening new opportunities?"
* " ... join our mission of like-minded women and take part in a mission of gaining education equity for women and girls."
* "You’ll help to make sure that our granddaughters never have to experience a glass ceiling."
* "The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund provides funds and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination in higher education.”
* "Benefits of membership include 'cost-saving opportunities on life, health, and dental insurance.' " (Is that legal?)
This NPR radio program is excellent and well worth an hour of your time, if only to provide good ammunition against the fem-stalinists in the AAUW, NOW, Feminist Majority, etc.
Though I found it interesting that the word "feminism" was only referred to once, by the male expert, as a positive factor in making schooling work better for girls.
There was no connection, no speculation made to feminism as a catastrophic, pervasive anti-boy social assault.
It's better to talk about reforming teacher training than interrogating why 90% of K-12 teachers are women, and men are discouraged from even considering a teaching career "below" the university level.
Apparently even when all the cards are in place, no one wants to risk labeling feminism as a toxic infestation of our public education shitstem.
Every normal boy diagnosed as ADHD is a profitable prospect for the pharmaceutical companies right?
And lifetime job security for the school psychologist?
And eventually, a really fine recruitment target for the endless war on terrorism?
Anybody out there connecting-the-dots?
by RandomMan on 12:26 AM June 1st, 2006 EST (#2)
Though I found it interesting that the word "feminism" was only referred to once, by the male expert, as a positive factor in making schooling work better for girls.
There was no connection, no speculation made to feminism as a catastrophic, pervasive anti-boy social assault.
Roy, you've talked before about narcissism. Most women today have been indoctrinated since birth to care only about the 51% of the population they share genitalia with. I'm surprised that this story even received airtime, and even more surprised at the contributions of the women who participated. Very encouraging. If I ever have to live in the US, I'm moving to New Hampshire, by the way...
The fact that feminism wasn't mentioned doesn't surprise me at all. Nor does the propaganda from AAUW. It's a "sacred cow" of the equality of outcomes movement and most of the social sciences that women are "disadvantaged", along with everyone except straight white males under 40. It wouldn't matter if 100% of high school and university graduates were women, these people would continue to argue that more needed to be done to help girls and women "succeed". No amount of "success" will make them believe that women are already more equal than men, and their cognitive dissonance is totally impenetrable, as their own clearly false statements indicate (i.e. suggesting that women need more "help" when they already dominate education at all levels, something of which the AAUW is no doubt fully aware).
No thought is given to boys or men whatsoever in most cases, so overall, I'm pleased to hear that someone is finally recognizing the challenges faced by young men. The reason I wasn't surprised that feminism wasn't mentioned is the obvious one: to do so would be to associate a problem or serious adverse effect with feminism, which the current intellectual bankruptcy and cognitive dissonance cannot allow. That may come later, but it will be decades before you hear a social scientist of any sort of stature admitting on a popular broadcast that feminism has caused severe damage to men and society. I doubt very much that any of them will ever admit that women are experiencing privilege.
by oregon dad on 10:44 AM June 1st, 2006 EST (#3)
During school and with sports.
We hardened them because Men have a very difficult job of providing for and protecting their families. They MUST continue, even if they are hurt, or sick, or exhausted. When you are a Man, often times there are no breaks.
Now that we've completely feminised our public schools to a "touchy feely" type of situation, where conflicts are not allowed to be settled without mediation of some type, and we teach them how to be "fair"....well, the world isn't really like that, is it!??
We are raising our boys today to ultimately be disappointed by the world and their role in it. We are teaching them, with this new touchy feely program, to be weak.
And when it comes time for them to STAND UP....will they? Or will the rate of male suicide continue to far outpace the women?
by Davidadelong on 10:14 AM June 3rd, 2006 EST (#4)
Historical studies lead us to believe that when the zeitgeist of the working class, ie. the slaves have had enough it only takes one voice to start things going in the "other" direction. Whether or not the Men will stand at this time is a very good question. But the real question is whether or not the Men and Women will stand together, because if they don't we will still be in the same boat that we are now; divided and still manipulated. If we could only redirect the frustration of those that opt for ending their lives to actually making a statement while doing so, why then we could also have zealots for EQUALITY! While I abhor the use of zealots it seems that every government on the face of the earth seems to use them with impunity, why not us?
by HombreVIII on 03:00 PM June 5th, 2006 EST (#5)
During school and with sports.
We hardened them because Men have a very difficult job of providing for and protecting their families. They MUST continue, even if they are hurt, or sick, or exhausted. When you are a Man, often times there are no breaks.
And this is the attitude you're advocating?
Now that we've completely feminised our public schools to a "touchy feely" type of situation, where conflicts are not allowed to be settled without mediation of some type, and we teach them how to be "fair"....
So your diagnosis of the problem is that we're not allowing kids to govern themselves and that we're trying to instill in them a sense of fair play. Not only is that ridiculous, I find it impossible to believe that the schools are more "touchy feely" towards boys than they used to be. They are drugging our boys like mad and have imposed a very draconian system onto them. The tone I'm getting from your post is that of a grumpy old man lamenting... "Back in my day the schools had even less than zero tolerance!"
well, the world isn't really like that, is it!?
Thanks in large part to a great number of crooked people in power who never learned the importance of treating people fairly.
We are raising our boys today to ultimately be disappointed by the world and their role in it. We are teaching them, with this new touchy feely program, to be weak.
We should treat them unfairly while they're young, to prepare them for more unfair treatment when they're older?
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