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Richard Doyle's new book -- "Save the Males"
posted by Matt on 03:52 PM May 30th, 2006
Book Reviews Kyle Knutson writes "Save the Males
by Richard Doyle of Forest Lake, Minnesota

Available at http://www.lulu.com/content/279780

Prices: $6.95 Download, $16.45 Print

"Save the Males" presents a common sense approach to gender issues. The 236 page book is divided into three parts. In the first part, author Richard Doyle examines differential treatment in four areas - criminal justice, family law, employment and image - finding that men, as a class, are shortchanged nearly everywhere. Part II concerns itself with the search for causes and culprits. Among the culprits he finds legislators, judges, attorneys, politicians, feminists, the media and even men themselves. Part III, "Reality, Sensibility, Liberation," explores ideas for solutions to the problems identified in the first two parts.

The book is intended to restore men and traditional families to their formerly respected status by defeating the widespread discrimination against men throughout society. Warning: this book is incorrect politically. It has `attitude. A philosophic street-fighter, Doyle takes on highly sensitive issues such as feminism, homosexuality and SNAGS (sensitive new age guys)."

Brit Divorce Law Kills Marriage For Good | Feminism Masquerading as Men's Studies  >

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A REAL Men's Studies Reference Book? (Score:1)
by oregon dad on 09:27 AM May 31st, 2006 EST (#1)
Perhaps this would make a Professors list of references in a masculine studies class (i.e. not the class indicated in the above story).

It is important, in this day and age, to defy the 'political correctness' plague that we have on our campuses and in our employment areas for what it is....its not 'PC'...it's 'BS'.
Re:A REAL Men's Studies Reference Book? (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 12:32 PM June 6th, 2006 EST (#2)
Oregon dad-
I agree 100%. Political correctness is one of the most destructive and polarizing forces the world faces today.
If political correctness was to protect ALL groups from discrimination, I wouldn't have much of a problem with it, I guess. But as it is, P.C. is only to protect Blacks, Women and Gays. NO ONE ELSE. In fact P.C. is used to DISCRIMINATE. This discrimination includes; against Whites, Christians, (to a lesser extent) Jews, MEN and even certain other minorities. (Primarily American Indians but also "Asian-Americans")
To me P.C. is just as bad as all out bigotry.
What am I saying? it IS all out bigotry, it just changes the targets.

  "Hoka hey!"
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