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by bull on 05:36 PM May 22nd, 2006 EST (#1)
Now the poor dears are going to be exposed to male thinking! Do you think their minds will be tarnished; after having been exposed to “patriarchic” ways, will they develop a sudden urge to abuse and oppress? Emulating the “unfeeling” ways of males, will they start to think their way through life instead of just being guided by emotions? And worst of all, now they can’t go to class in their pajamas; of all the humanities LOL
by Roy on 10:13 PM May 22nd, 2006 EST (#2)
I wonder how many of these elitist fem-bimbos would have any sensitivity to "men’s traditions?"
You know, trivial and evil patriarchal traditions like due process, innocence until proven guilty, the scientific method, objectivity, logic, integrity, and ethics.
And how’s this for a sexist non-sequitor? :
"Nevertheless, sociology professor Laura J. McCluskey said, "I have noticed in the classroom that males seem quicker to raise their hands and discuss a topic, while the women tend to think first before they get involved in discussions."
Note the sub-text --- "women 'think' first ... Men just get right into (clearly stupid and unthinking) discussion..."
Perhaps this highly credentialed social ummmm scientist might want to consider that men are ready to discuss faster precisely because they THINK FASTER!??? (And worry little about upsetting the perky lesbians to their left and right in the classrooms...)
The Martha Burke’s, Gloria Steinem's and Kim Gandy’s -- all lofty mavens of the taxpayer-funded girlie-racketeering-matrix and worshipped by the V-Day raunch culturalists at Wells -- have never lost a moment’s sleep over their utter indifference to men’s traditions.
Except for their glaring agreement that men ought to continue to practice a lobotomized Chivalry that benefits feminists and i-feminists and "I’m-not-a-feminist" women everywhere.
How'd you like to be a parent paying tuition and fees for a kid enrolled at Romper Room U?
by bull on 03:21 AM May 23rd, 2006 EST (#3)
There I go shooting my mouth off before thinking! I mean good observations; I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm a misogynist. Actually, I do believe there are still decent women in this world; they are just getting harder to find. Probably because they are overshadowed by loud-mouthed, chronically malcontent, fem-nags LOL
by Davidadelong on 11:26 AM May 23rd, 2006 EST (#4)
You hit the nail on the head! Most of the time the fem-nags are bullies, and do not care who they bully, including other "sisters". I have met strong intelligent Women that dare to speak the truth, but alas bull, they are hard to find.
by Roy on 07:19 PM May 23rd, 2006 EST (#5)
Well,to reverse an ancient gender cliche joke ---
"A hard woman is good to find!"
Jim Morrison died for that cause...
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