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Women Finally Free of Music Dowloading Oppression
posted by Matt on 12:53 PM May 16th, 2006
The Media Anonymous User writes "When I see stories like this I am always amazed at the subtle and not so subtle way the media has created the modern gynocentric world in which we live. An article about downloading music laced with terms like freedom and choice for women, all while gloating that men download less. Really, what is the point of this media fluff piece? Excerpt:

'Ms Watson Smyth said: "The freedom afforded by new technology means that women are now confidently downloading music at home and broadening their musical horizons in private.'"

False Paternity - Only a Bad Thing When It Benefits Men | cnn.com: Why do girls lose interest in math and science?  >

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...'the Hell...? (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 01:13 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#1)
What's the POINT of that article?
It's just stupid.

  "Hoka hey!"
The Onion picked up on this... (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 01:13 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
... and satirized it wonderfully here.

Yes, the media has become so gynocentric that when they can't find anything else to publish they have to run utter trash such as this. MSM newspapers have always been about filling paper to maximize ad revenue but alas there is too often not enough real, actual news to fill it. So they pick whatever is a nice safe thing to talk about for the era in which they operate (it used to be stories about wild west heroes and stuff like that) and load the space with it, all the while happily selling ads for the spaces in between the "stories". Really, if you look at the number of real newspapers in the world vs. the number of "news magazines" and other fluff-pushers, you'll see maybe there is one real newspaper left in the world... and I'm not sure what that one is.

In any case, this "women are empowered by DL-ing music and they have those nasty awful men beat at it!" is most definitely a sign of our gynocentric times. It's almost like the article was in fact an Onion article... get the not-so-subtle implications afforded with the quote at the end of the the excerpt: '...confidently downloading music at home and broadening their musical horizons in private.' Umm, like they have to sneak away to do this? Who are they hiding form, the oppressive evil patriarchy that would mercilessly oppress them for DARING to download music??

What utter trash.

Re:The Onion picked up on this... (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 01:29 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#3)
The Onion's great, isn't it? I can't wait - more "liberation through consumer products". It's not just the counter-culture that's been co-opted into a marketing ploy, feminism has been too.

What's next, Kraft Dinner that women can prepare in private, thus freeing them from noodly oppression by the man? ;)

From the Onion item:

"Unlike traditional, phallocentric energy bars, whose chocolate, soy protein, nuts, and granola ignored the special health and nutritional needs of women, their new, female-oriented counterparts like Luna are ideally balanced with a more suitable amount of chocolate, soy protein, nuts, and granola," Klein said. "Proto-feminist pioneers like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony could never have imagined that female empowerment would one day come in bar form."

They're a hoot! I can see it all now: "energy bars are shaped too much like a penis - feminist energy bars will be shaped more like a vulva to eliminate patriarchal dining oppression!" ;)

It just follows the gynocentric view that anywhere men are, anything men do, is somehow naturally harmful to women. Too bad they don't feel that way about cashing alimony or child support checks, huh?

This phenomenon's largely a creation of the consumer products companies, not women. Then again women really do "eat it up", otherwise it wouldn't sell.
One More Area (Score:1)
by bull on 02:22 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#4)
Neither article mentioned the one area where women are being empowered in increasing numbers; vibrators. As women continue to flaunt their “in your face” new-found power, they increasing become less attractive to a lot of eligible men. Radical feminists complain pornography oppresses women all the while pornography geared towards women is on the rise. Vibrators are probably at record sales. Ya girl, you’re powered-up alright; grab a copy of Playgirl and stock spare batteries. LOL
Re:One More Area (Score:1)
by canaryguy (nospam.canaryguy@nospam.stealthfool.com) on 09:58 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#7)
Neither article mentioned the one area where women are being empowered in increasing numbers; vibrators. As women continue to flaunt their “in your face” new-found power, they increasing become less attractive to a lot of eligible men.

No kidding! The average woman today doesn't have attractive spiritual values. Women don't get it! Physical attraction doesn't make for a lasting relationship! But women keep working on the beauty angle - keeping the cosmetics industry flush with cash and keeping cosmetic surgeons rich.

I noticed an article (wish I kept the link) that mentioned that around 68% of men like their women natural -- without makeup, implants, botox, etc, etc...

A friend tried to introduce me to a single woman. After she delicately asked if I was willing to be introduced and found out I wasn't willing/interested, she mentioned: "I can hardly blame you! Most women today are crazy!"
Re:One More Area (Score:1)
by bull on 11:13 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#8)
All that shallow stuff only holds water so long; I couldn’t spend more than a couple of weeks at Disneyland before even Mickey and Pluto would start to get on my nerves. Unfortunately for them, a lot of these so called “empowered” women have lost sight of what’s really important in relationships. All the material stuff can’t fill the whole in their hearts though; at best, it’s distraction for a while. Like the saying goes, watch what you pray for; you might get it!
Spin? (Score:1)
by masculanium (kgl_m@DELyahoo.com) on 02:45 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#5)
"The freedom afforded by new technology means that women are now confidently downloading music at home and broadening their musical horizons in private.'"

Check out the spin here. Just like the numerous articles where it is said that a single middle-aged woman is free and empowered whereas a single middle-aged man is destined to die alone, they've spun this so that they're "confident" and "broadening their horizons". Pfft. We all know the real reason is that men don't generally like the same pop trash 'music' that women do. If I had a penny for every time an otherwise-intelligent woman had asked me to download a song for her, "Oh I heard this GREAT song on the radio!!"
Yeah, Yeah, Whatever.... (Score:1)
by Emanslave (emma.noelle.blay@hotmail.com) on 03:01 PM May 16th, 2006 EST (#6)
Like femmes have been listening to all music for long periods of time...Remember back in the 80s when all of the hair bands had women dancing in the videos??? Huh? Just like they've been listening Britney, Jessica, Mandy, Beyonce, and Christina just as much today! Don't forget boys that we download music just as much as them! They need to shut the f--- up about being oppressed about not listening to their favorite songs when they rule nearly 90% of the pop music market!

Emmanuel Matteer Jr.
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