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RADAR Alert: Tell Congress Not To Fund Discrimination And Destruction Of Due Process
posted by Matt on 01:17 PM April 10th, 2006
RADAR Project RADAR has recently released reports that reveal how the Violence Against Women Act routinely discriminates against male victims, tramples on due process protections, and undermines the family.

Today, RADAR is issuing a fourth report: "Justice Denied: Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence." The report reveals how mandatory arrest policies have turned "innocent until proven guilty" into "guilty unless proven otherwise." The report is available at: http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/Justice-Denied-DV-Arrest-Policies.pdf.

Click "Read more..." for more.

Tell Congress Not To Fund Discrimination And Destruction Of Due Process

Word is now getting out that VAWA is at the root of massive civil rights violations. Law enforcement programs typically train officials to think of the victim as "she" and the perpetrator as "he". A top-ranking judge, when training a class of other judges on how to handle domestic violence cases, stated:

"Your job is not to become concerned about all the constitutional rights of the man that you're violating as you grant a restraining order. Throw him out on the street, give him the clothes on his back and tell him, 'See ya' around.' We don't have to worry about the rights."

RADAR's series of reports document that this mentality is typical of those who run the system. On February 6, President Bush delivered his 2007 budget request to Congress. His budget requested $347 million for VAWA - that's $39.5 million less than for 2006. (http://www.womenspolicy.org/thesource/issue.cfm?issueID=243). By simply reallocating funding away from programs that destroy due process, and the very principles that make the U.S. a free society, this budget request will be more than sufficient to fund those victim services that demonstrably provide equal assistance for all domestic violence victims regardless of gender.

Last week FamilyViolence.org put out a desperate call saying that VAWA is "in trouble." The group called on people to pressure Congress to provide full funding for all VAWA programs.

It's bottom of the second inning, the score is tied 1-1, and two of our men are on base. Now we're up to bat - let's bring our boys home!

This week, call the following key Senators who will make BIG decisions about the VAWA budget for 2007:

Senator Voice phone FAX Chairman of
Thad Cochran 202-224-5054 202-224-9450 Appropriations Committee
Richard Shelby 202-224-5744 202-224-3416 Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science
(this subcommittee will decide on funding for the Department of Justice, which administers VAWA)

When you call or fax, urge them to approve the President's 2007 budget proposal for VAWA. The VAWA budget cuts should be directed to curbing overly-aggressive law enforcement programs, not to reducing services for victims of domestic violence.

Your telephone call or fax will help assure that VAWA stops violating the civil rights of hundreds of thousands of innocent American citizens.

Date of RADAR Release: April 9, 2006

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a network of concerned men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

Single-gender classroom are good for both sexes | No DNA Match in Duke Lacrosse Team Scandal  >

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Excellent Job! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 07:25 PM April 10th, 2006 EST (#1)
Very well written and researched! Whoever put this together deserves a "JOB WELL DONE!" Makes one ill reading it though.........
Ray. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 11:22 AM April 11th, 2006 EST (#2)
I know this is off topic, but does anyone know what has happened to RAY?
I haven't seen him post in a really long time.
I'm getting concerned.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Ray. It's me. I'm okay. (Score:1)
by MR on 12:39 PM April 11th, 2006 EST (#3)

I've been kind of busy, and I had to re-register when the site no longer allowed non registered posters. I probably should have made it clearer what my new nickname was.

Here we are this past weekend in beautiful San Diego protesting the S.D. Domestic Violence Council's Men's Leadership Forum. I guess you could say we were providing some real men's leadership to all the toadies, following the gender feminist, domestic violence agenda.

Protest of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council's Men's Leadership Forum

And so we're not going too far off topic, I did send my FAXes today as per RADAR's request.

At the protest, I wore this T-shirt,
Feminist Lies Make Bad Laws Click "View Larger"

and a friend carried this little tote bag into the actual event.
Prosecute False Accusers Click "View Larger"
Re:Ray. It's me. I'm okay. Thank the "O"!!! (Score:2)
by Roy on 07:09 PM April 11th, 2006 EST (#4)
Ray... rOy.

Good to see you man!

The predictions of your demise were clearly premature!

Write more, OK?
Re:Ray. It's me. I'm okay. Thank the "O"!!! (Score:1)
by MR on 08:31 PM April 11th, 2006 EST (#5)
"Write more, OK?"

Will do, I'm actually in a writing style right now, where I'm writing really big letters, but not many words. In a few more months I'm going to take a break from the Scriptorium and do so more heavy reading. Hopefully from that I'll get some new articles out.

It's good to have a variety of things going on to indulge one's interests in, but good also to take breaks from.
Re:Ray. It's me. I'm okay. Thank the "O"!!! (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 12:00 PM April 14th, 2006 EST (#6)
MR (Ray)-
I'm glad you're okay and still with us.
Hope to meet you some day.

  "Hoka hey!"

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