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MSN and "Marie Claire": Women Must Trade Sex for Food
posted by Matt on 10:23 PM April 2nd, 2006
The Media Read this. Excerpt:

In war-torn countries, food is frequently a barter tool through which women are exploited. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Uganda, and many other countries, “food for sex” is well documented by human-rights organizations: That is, food is withheld by peacekeepers (as in the case of the DRC) or local soldiers (as is the situation in Uganda) until women, at the brink of starvation, submit to sex.


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Bias As Usual (Score:1)
by Marc A. on 11:36 PM April 2nd, 2006 EST (#1)
The article begins by saying that 4 out of 5 people starving are "women and their children." This is the usual common trick of lumping women and children together, which does not tell us the number of adult women compared to adult men who are starving. Feminists commonly due this with homelessness, saying that the majority of homeless are "women and children." And, as usual, no mention is made of the impoverished men who slave away at hard labor to make it possible for their wives to feed and nurture children. It's the same "emphasize women because it sells better that way" bias.

When will MSN or any other media give similar attention to the disproportionate number of men who are forced into labor worldwide? The market force for this is so strong that the Forced Labour Convention of 1930, which forbids forced labor as a human rights violation and which has now been ratified by 168 nations, exempts "able-bodied males" between age 18 and 45 from the ban on forced labor? See Article 11 at www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C029

Re:Bias As Usual (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 09:21 AM April 3rd, 2006 EST (#3)
    The article begins by saying that 4 out of 5 people starving are "women and their children." This is the usual common trick of lumping women and children together, which does not tell us the number of adult women compared to adult men who are starving.

These femstats are a real pain and would be funny if they weren't taken so seriously by the unthinking public. Let's see, you have a family of a husband, wife, and three kids, everybody starving; you can just as easily say that 4 out of 5 of the starving are a man and his kids. Unfortunately, this little leap of logic will elude the majority of casual readers.

Re:Bias As Usual (Score:1)
by kavius on 09:38 AM April 3rd, 2006 EST (#4)
Dern, you were quicker than me. I was just typing that bit of math out.

We are getting a kick out of mis-presentation of numbers around my office right now.

If it's true... (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 11:37 PM April 2nd, 2006 EST (#2)
...that's horrible, and anyone caught withholding food or other humanitarian aid should be prosecuted of course, male or female. Not that women are prosecuted for, well, much of anything these days.

Let's have a look at the author's thesis, shall we?

While you are reading this story, 200 people around the world will die from hunger. Four out of five of them will be women and their babies.

Because we all know women and children are far more important than men. This is not news, it's an agenda-driven advocacy piece. It belongs under op-ed or in the big round file. I really wish they had killfiles for mainstream media sites...

Note that it is in the woman-only advocacy and advertising section, which is usually described as "Life" or "Lifestyle" (the case here) or "Parenting" or "Family" or some similar nonsense. This is where the typical intellectually stunted, one-dimensional, pathetic, aging leftist-feminist columnist inevitably spews her misandric filth in all city dailies.

These clear indicators of bias aside, it has the distinct air of feminist propaganda about it, don't you think? Men are evil monsters, women (and their babies), are defenseless victims? Seems a little too perfect for the western media, if you ask me. This doesn't necessarily prove the story false, of course, but it certainly does raise my suspicion to the point that I will not believe any story from the media unless I have substantial and independent corroborating evidence to back their claims, particularly when the story concerns gender politics and misandry or misogyny. There's a clear anti-male bias in the media (like the government, courts, schools, culture, oh, hell, pretty much everywhere). There's no question that the media is a tool of the propagandists and prone to hyperbole to sell consumer goods to women, as we've seen in the past over, and over and OVER again.

I'm reminded of the stories of the mass rapes in the former Yugoslavia, and the babies being thrown out of incubators in Kuwait. Both of which were flung irresponsibly about by feminists to demonstrate what shit men are supposed to be. Both were complete propaganda and total bullshit, of course.

I say, show me some proof (independent of the western media and any nation influenced by feminism), or I'll just assume this is more misandric (or if you're a woman, "feel good") propaganda to sell tampons. They really do love to play the victim in the dramas in their heads, don't they?

If you doubt me for an instant, read the joke that is the last couple of paragraphs:

And finally, the marginalization of women plays a dominant role in the hunger crisis. “Despite the fact that the majority of African farmers are female, women are systematically bypassed by development assistance programs and denied training, credit, and technology—and therefore the opportunity to produce more food. Ending hunger begins with equal opportunity for women,” says Joan Holmes, president of U.S.-based The Hunger Project. It’s a sentiment echoed by the U.N., as well: “A green revolution will happen only if it is also a gender revolution,” according to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

“Society holds women responsible for all the key actions required to end hunger: family nutrition, health, education, food production, and—increasingly—family income,” says Holmes. “Yet through laws, customs, and traditions, women are systematically denied the resources, information, and freedom of action they need to carry out these responsibilities.” The world has the financial and technical resources to end hunger permanently, she stresses. But success will only be possible if we put these resources in the hands of women.

Uh huh. Wanna pass whatever you're smoking around? Share with the rest of the class!

It's just more of the same old same old: the usual pile of self-serving, feminist nonsense, designed to "empower" women to spend their husband's money on whatever product is advertised next to it.

It's like they aren't even trying with this stuff. How pathetic.
Womyn in control! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 12:55 PM April 3rd, 2006 EST (#5)
Yes, all we need to do is turn everything over to the "womyn" and everything will be allright if you aren't a Male! Talk about an over inflated ego! Using the misery of others to further your own agenda should be a crime don't you think? EQUALITY for all, or there will never be peace! Besides, this world is about due for a Peoples insurgance to take back which is ours, our lives. We already know how we are forced to live leaving the power in the hands of our current system with "professional" leaders and politicians "leading" us into another millenium of forced labor and slavery to ensure their gilded castles for "their" progeny. "It is a good day to die!
simple solution.... (Score:2)
by ArtflDgr on 03:18 PM April 6th, 2006 EST (#6)
they will suggest taking the food away from someone that has it (that way EVERYONE starves! - you can show situations where if everyone shares everyone dies)

though the key situation will be solved by making it a crime to offer food in exchange for such things.

i guess this will be fine. however, will they be happy with the number of people that will starve then?

if that number is true, the food problem will solve itself. if 4 out of 5 are starving, forbidding the sharing of food will then create a large number of deaths, leaving those that have food left. just as in nature between winters and summers, the problem will solve itself if those with food just stop sharing.

i am not suggesting letting these people starve, i am suggesting that you should leave people alone when the only way they can survive is to do things that they are ashamed of. unless you think you can fly inthere and feed everyone, the only result your going to accomplish is killing off this meager (and left handed) charity.

this is what happens when we are equal, everyone is on their own as far as getting what they can get. so equality (the way they define it), means that women will get less as they cant count on any help from anyone but government (and eventually that will stop too as government runs out of men to attack, or realizes that there is another half of the population with salaries and colledge education they can tap). the governments in these countries are not developed enough to impose the martial law the feminists want.

i know.. lets take the money that goes to vawa, and get food and save all these people!!!! or lets take some NOW PAC money and feed them with that!!!! or maybe the women here who have fat kids they are raising on their own can donate some cash for food for the starving?

this is just bad all around, and without a solution that provides food, they are going to make it worse. much much worse.
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