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RADAR Alert: VAWA Violates the Civil Rights of 2,000 Americans Every Day
posted by Matt on 10:25 PM March 15th, 2006
RADAR Project Equal protection under the law. Due process. Innocent until proven guilty.

Those principles, enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, are foundations of a free and just society. Those concepts are routinely violated every day by the Violence Against Women Act. Each and every day in the United States, over 2,000 Americans have their civil rights violated by VAWA.

Click "Read more..." for more.

VAWA Violates the Civil Rights of 2,000 Americans Every Day
  • These people include over 750 male victims of severe partner assaults every day – who don't seek service because they know they will be turned away. Or worse, they fear they will be accused of the very crime that they were just subjected to.
  • These people include over 1,250 men – and sometimes women – who are evicted from their homes on the basis of a restraining order that does not even allege violence.
  • These people include an uncounted number of persons accused of partner assault who are unfairly arrested as a result of mandatory arrest policies.

As a result, families are broken up and children are removed from their fathers.

In short, the Violence Against Women Act represents a grave threat to people's civil rights and to the family structure of America.

On March 20, 2006, nineteen organizations around the country will be coming together to launch a major public education campaign. The five-week campaign will consist of a series of Special Reports that will document:

  1. How VAWA harms families, children, men, and women
  2. How VAWA programs discriminate against male victims
  3. How restraining orders are widely abused
  4. How mandatory-arrest policies violate basic principles of justice
  5. How VAWA policies have biased the prosecution and adjudication of DV cases

For this Campaign to be successful, we will be calling on people to pass along the Special Reports to media contacts, friends, and others. We would like to invite you to participate.

To make sure you get the vital Campaign information, please sign up for our E-lerts. It just takes a few seconds:

  1. Go to http://www.mediaradar.org/.
  2. Type in your email address in the E-lert box in the left hand column
  3. Hit the Subscribe button.

It's that easy!

It's time to get the truth out about the Violence Against Women Act – how it shamelessly disregards civil liberties and routinely breaks up families – sign up for the E-lert list now!

Date of RADAR Release: March 12, 2006

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a network of concerned men and women working to assure that the problem of domestic violence is treated in a balanced and effective manner. http://www.mediaradar.org.

careerwomen.com: No men allowed | Australian Teacher Bailed on 92 Counts of Sexual Assault  >

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With the blessings of our leaders! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 11:01 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#1)
Yup, even the 911 report stated that the 'justice department" was violating Peoples Constitutional Rights and running unchecked. Bush the senior was the one that waived the Males Constitutional Rights in this country for the recovery of funds. It has gone down hill since. Perhaps we should start a movement based on our own Constitution, like actually following it for a change. But that would mean actually directing our bile at the real source of our problems, the government, and the system that controls it. Just a thought......
Re:With the blessings of our leaders! (Score:2)
by HombreVIII on 11:30 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
"But that would mean actually directing our bile at the real source of our problems, the government, and the system that controls it."

While I wouldn't discourage anyone from trying to fix the problems in government I do disagree that, as far as men's rights go, that is the ultimate source of the problems. I believe that title to be held by public opinion, which is pretty well controlled by the media. I don't think mass anti-male sexism will dissappear until the masses are no longer anti-male sexists.
Re:With the blessings of our leaders! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 11:48 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#3)
"I believe that title to be held by public opinion, which is pretty well controlled by the media."
You are correct Hombre, but the government controls the media. "Social scientists" have been directing public opinion for years. Our media system is the finest propaganda machine in the world, to include hollywood. True public opinion is somewhat different from what People feel they "have" to agree with. As we are a nation built on fear. The system is actually catering to a minority, anti-male sexists, with the rest going along because of gain, or fear. It has done what was desired, it has divided this country, ruined the family unit, and isolated the majority of People in this country psychologicaly which makes them easier to manipulate. We have been played! Just a thought.........
Re:With the blessings of our tee-vee leaders! (Score:2)
by Roy on 11:25 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#4)
If you want to see an excellent flick about mass media and its relationship to the Constitution, I recommend "Good Night and Good Luck," the story of famous broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow and his battle against McCarthyism & subtle fascism in the 1950's ... just released today on DVD.

And if you want just a glimpse into the feminazi apparatus that RADAR is fighting against, check out this web link to hundreds of feminist legal resources ---

http://dmoz.org/Society/People/Women/Issues/Violen ce_and_Abuse/Domestic_Violence/Legal_Issues/

FEMINAZI INCORPORATED .... as Nixon said ---

"Follow the money!"
Re:With the blessings of our tee-vee leaders! (Score:1)
by A.J. on 08:18 AM March 17th, 2006 EST (#5)
as Nixon said ---

"Follow the money!"

I think it was Deep Throat that told Woodward and Bernstein to "Follow the money" in the Watergate investigation. Nixon would have preferred that they not take the advice.
Re:With the blessings of our tee-vee leaders! (Score:2)
by Roy on 06:15 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#7)
You're correct sir.

Nixon said -- "Follow that HONEY!"
I called Senator after hearing from N.O.W. on this (Score:1)
by oregon dad on 05:18 PM March 17th, 2006 EST (#6)
Thats right, they send me nearly weekly updates on actions required to support 'women's agendas'. And I use their own form letters (after editing the content) to send letters to Senators and even administrators on media outlets to let them know how I feel. It at least cancels 1 action from a women getting the same information and instructions.

Anyway - at least one call was made today requesting our Senator to limit his support of VAWA.

It is repugnant that such a bill has a name like this. It is disgraceful!
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