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Missing Males Not Worthy of Discussion
posted by Matt on 10:13 PM March 15th, 2006
The Media al_nbd writes "A CNN journalist in his blog tries to analyse why crime stories where victims are white females receive much more coverage in media than others. More than a hundred people left their commentaries on this topic. The absolute majority of commentators agree that it's not fair when lives of white females are valued more than other lives. But they think that it's not fair only in respect of FEMALES OF OTHER COLORS, NOT MALES. Below is a commentary reflecting the general mood:

"If the "socially concious" media made an effort to report disappearances of ALL women, it would effect what your viewers are interested in. Last I checked, your audience is made up of many non-whites, including myself. I feel insulted that CNN might not value my disappearance or that of any other woman of color."

Misandry is becoming more and more deeply rooted in the western society.

The blog entry can be found here."

FAU student admits rape was a lie | careerwomen.com: No men allowed  >

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Nothing new here! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 11:33 AM March 16th, 2006 EST (#1)
Isn't Hillbilly "Rodham" Clinton an heir to one of the largest media empires in the country? Hmmm, maybe there is a connection somewhere. Men are discounted just as Women used to be. The old divide and conquer ploy Folks. The "government" has us so divided and pitted against each other it is no wonder we can't unite to intiate any real change. Now they dangle a carrot to Men to take us back "where we belong". No thank you, the only way we can win is if we actually have EQUALITY amongst the genders, and the People. But hey, as long as we are fighting each other they are bound to win! Does anyone else see what is going on? "It is a good day to die!"
John Stossel TRIED to get the truth out. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 01:10 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#2)
The thing about this that bugs me the most is that MOST missing persons are BLACK MALES! Followed by AMERICAN INDIAN MALES!
But to listen to the mainstream media one would think that the only people who go missing are blue eyed, blond haired WHITE FEMALES.

However, You have to give John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 some credit for trying to get that message out, though. A few months back, in his "Gimme a break" segment, Stossel did a good job of pointing out this discrepancy.
He even began his segment by saying that (by telling the TRUTH on this matter) he EXPECTED (and got) angry letters from, you guessed it, feminists and white women.

But in the end if there was any hope that the mainstream media would listen to Stossel and the facts he gave concerning the REAL missing persons in our country, and that they might (God forbid) start telling the TRUTH on this matter, it soon faded.

The media is so BLATANT in their bias, aren't they? They jam a knife into your back, while all the while DENIEING they are jamming a knife in your back.
We need to storm media outlets or something, I don't know.
WHY do they have such an aversion to TELLING THE TRUTH? WHY?!?

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:John Stossel TRIED to get the truth out. (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 01:57 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#3)
Yes TC, there are some who prefer to tell the truth. But the media is a controlled entity, period. They espouse what the system wants them to, or they go away. Propaganda for the masses, sickening isn't it? That is WHY, THEY DON'T TELL THE TRUTH! "Hoka hey!" TC
Re:John Stossel TRIED to get the truth out. (Score:1)
by A.J. on 02:53 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#4)
They espouse what the system wants them to, or they go away

IMO the main driving force in the media is RATINGS. True, the media tends to regurgitate whatever self-serving bureaucrats feed them but that doesn’t explain why cable news devotes hours each day to rehashing every meaningless tidbit of information over the latest case of “an attractive young woman goes missing”. It just wouldn’t happen unless there was hard evidence that it draws viewers. The major media have a basic incentive to pander to the public’s prejudices rather than challenge them - just like politicians.

The job of MRA’s is to make it less career enhancing for reporters and politicians to pander to man-haters.

Re:John Stossel TRIED to get the truth out. (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 06:19 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#8)
The reason behind the tidbits of information about "attractive young woman goes missing" is fear. They want Women to be afraid so that they can crack down more on society. They have already frightened most Men into subservience with the laws and repercussions of those laws directed at Men. The news media reports what they are told to report just as police officers are. It starts from the bottom, and goes to the top. Thats how the statistics are controlled. Just ask a police officer that you know, or get friendly with, there has even been a few posts on this site in the past where an officer told how they were commanded to report some things, and not others, which skews the statistics. Now, doesn't that seem a little controlled?
Gee, I thought the job of MRA's was for EQUAL RIGHTS!
Re:John Stossel TRIED to get the truth out. (Score:1)
by A.J. on 02:57 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#5)
The thing about this that bugs me the most is that MOST missing persons are BLACK MALES! Followed by AMERICAN INDIAN MALES!

TC, do you know where can I find statistics on this?

Re:John Stossel TRIED to get the truth out. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 03:56 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#6)
A.J.- I have spent hours researching the stats on missing peoples (among other things). And I can't remember most of the sources. You might try the DEPARTMENT of JUSITICE, I know I found a butt load of stats there. And I think I found stats for it from the F.B.I. on their official site.
I found statistics on missing A.M.s (American Indians) on A.I.M.'s (American Indian movement) website. That's all I can remember, for the moment.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:John Stossel TRIED to get the truth out. (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 06:10 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#7)
A.J. Find a federal reserve library near you. Most universities are a fed reserve library. They carry the statistics on this from the "fbi" as well as other government sources, the "fbi" stats are pretty comprehensive. They might be from last year, or even 2004 as it sometimes takes a little while to get the books to the libraries, but they are there. I did research while I was in college from 85-89, and used the fed stats to refute child support, as well as the laws concerning DV in a couple of papers that I did.
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