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Discrimination Against Men at Rutgers University
posted by Matt on 09:56 AM March 12th, 2006
Education charger writes "Rutgers University (State University of New Jersey) which just announced a major reorganization of its main campus, preserves the only public single-sex college left in the United States. With the number of men attending college declining, one would hope that there would be programs for men at Rutgers, but that would be politically incorrect."

"Ice is like a man's ego. Fun to crush." | Different sentences for child sexual abuse  >

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Fantastic. Now for the turnabout... (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 12:51 PM March 12th, 2006 EST (#1)
By doing this, the public college/university system has just given men cause to argue under Title IX that they are fully entitled to "separate but equal" education as well, thanks to the feminist psychosis at Rutgers. Excellent news! It's 1954 for men (when I thought it was 1962)! We can finally send men to court to fight for equal educations under one of the laws that feminists implemented with the intention of punishing men for the crime of being male! Of course, with the feminists on the bench, it'll be an uphill battle, but still.

God I love it when our enemies give us the rope to hang them with.
Note the subtle change (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 02:20 PM March 12th, 2006 EST (#2)
One thing I forgot to mention: the only resistance to this in the 10-1 vote in its favor was because this didn't do enough to protect minorities and encourage them to attend.

It's subtle, but incredibly significant that the feminists in a bastion of misandry (a public university) have just indicated that they now believe that women are NOT a minority. This is an incredible VICTORY for men everywhere, as women have long claimed "minority" status for themselves, despite the obvious fallacy of this claim.

A point on strategy from my own opinions: we should, of course, continue to highlight and react to the ongoing feminist pogrom against masculinity, in an effort to point out the bitter taste of the kool-aid from which society has drunk so deeply. Feminists will continue to worsen the inequalities, injustices and punitive measures heaped on men as punishment for being masculine, which they assert is intrinsically evil, violent and oppressive, i.e. something which needs to be "stamped out". We should also point out in particular the ongoing attempts to socialize men into a state of self-loathing, since attempts to socialize men into women with penises have failed completely in the eyes of even the average man or woman, thus invalidating the feminist assertion that all gender is socialized. Things will get worse before they get better: robbed of their key weapons (moral high ground and the concept of gender as a social construct), we can expect desperation on the part of feminism. But this is now a purely punitive campaign on the part of hate-driven feminists as they begin to lose that moral high ground (not that they every truly held it), and such campaigns always fail: look at apartied, Soviet communism, fascism, etc., etc.

However, when men like ourselves continue to advance their newfound successes in informing the general public of the fact that the "funny taste" in the "kool-aid" is in fact poison of the worst sort, in the form of hatred and sexism, imagine the ease with which we can demand the same "equal" rights, privileges and institutions that women have been given by misandric feminists and their puppet governments. The net effect, when the immorality of feminism is fully exposed, will ironically be improved rights and facilities for men.

I honestly believe that we have crossed a tipping point recently, with the mass media starting to report tiny fragments of the truth of what is being done to men by feminists and their pet governments. As moral sentiment tips in our favour, we can use this string of injustices and inequalities to rapidly assert our own rights to the same, improved treatment. That is the lethal fault of feminism: it is a system of political oppression based on a moral pretext. When the moral pretext is removed, ALL political "gains" made by that cause become necessarily discriminatory and "wrong", and must be re-distributed equally to all members of society.

I've always viewed feminism as a suicidal meme due to its impact on reproduction, but I didn't realize it was actively hacking away at its own wrists until just recently!

So stay strong, stay proud, and don't let any feminist or other person silence you or tell you that masculinity is wrong! The tide of this war is ever so slowly turning, gentlemen, as women make asses of themselves on national television and in society at large by behaving in disgusting ways that men never have and never will in the name of "liberating" themselves (from decency, one can only assume), and as the injustices and discriminatory actions of governments and their agencies become increasingly clear to even the most senseless of our brothers and sisters.
Re:Note the subtle change (Score:1)
by charger on 07:12 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#7)
I strongly aggree that Douglass College is in violation of Title IX, but what can be done about it?!!
By design. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 12:51 PM March 13th, 2006 EST (#3)
I think the feminists want there to be all female schools but NO all male schools.
This would give women a BIG advantage (obviously) and would (will) make it MUCH easier for them to "take over".
Make NO mistake, about it, my friends. Feminism is not about equality (I doubt it ever was, really) It is about subjugation of men. Plain and simple.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:By design. (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 10:49 AM March 14th, 2006 EST (#4)
Correct TC, notice that there are all Female gyms, but all Male gyms have been invaded. Notice as well organizations like the Elks have been invaded, but all Female groups have not. It is about the subjugation of Men through the Women, divide and conquer, and it seems to be working rather well doesn't it? Control the Women, and the Men will follow. "It is a good day to die!"
Re:By design. (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 01:09 PM March 14th, 2006 EST (#5)
But my strategy is to NOT be controlled by a woman or women in general. Then "they" can not control me.
The way to NOT be controlled by women is to NOT be a slave to your hormones. If you control your hormones you control your OWN DESTINY. Not some woman or government.
The trouble is that to control one's hormones takes DISIPLINE. And it isn't always easy. In fact, I know that it is harder for some men than it is for others.
But that is what we are going to have to do, inevitably.

  "Hoka hey!"
Rutgers Title IX (Score:1)
by charger on 07:09 PM March 16th, 2006 EST (#6)
What is scary, is that Rutgers just feels as if they can get away this is feminist nonsense. I would like to see them legally challenged, but I do not think any organization will attempt it.
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