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Sydney AM Herald: "Why men won't commit"
posted by Matt on 02:18 PM February 27th, 2006
The Media Anonymous User writes "The usual article on why are men being afraid to commit? Of course the author paints men as "messy, greedy, sports-loving, junk-food-scoffing and womanizing". Women on the other hand are the long-suffering victims trying to "understand the antics of the opposite sex." The author goes on to lay the blame for the downward spiral of marriage at the feet of men.

Nothing too surprising there - but what is surprising is the backlash to the article from men in the commments section! It looks like a hella of a lot of men arent putting up with this crap any longer!

C'mon guys let show the author what we think!"

UK: More lies about the 'pay gap' | No Jail Time for Woman Who Stabs Husband Over Flowers  >

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Many insightful comments (Score:2)
by Thomas on 04:38 PM February 27th, 2006 EST (#1)
The comment section really does show just how fed up many men are. Feminists are entrenched, and men are no longer falling for or putting up with the double standards, even the slick new-styled ones. We're headed into a rough time.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Many insightful comments (Score:1)
by RandomMan on 07:57 PM February 27th, 2006 EST (#2)
We're headed into a rough time.

Re:Many insightful comments (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 10:21 AM February 28th, 2006 EST (#7)
I agree; GOOD!

Also I will say to any feminist or feminist leaning females who may be reading this, what I usually say. And that is; If you want to know why men won't "commit" you ladies need to take an honest, LONG, HARD look at yourselves. There and only there the answer lies.
In doing so, ask yourself would YOU want to be treated the way a lot of women treat men these days? Would YOU want to be with someone who will abuse you, hit you on a whim, take your money, your home, your CHILDREN away from you in a court that has a built in bias towards you?
These and MANY other questions are going to need to be examined by women before men are willing to start "committing" again.
It's just that simple.

  "Hoka hey!"
Already in a tough situation! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:04 PM February 27th, 2006 EST (#3)
OK, maybe Women should look a little deeper when they apply their makeup to find the real problem! If a Man doesn't know how his prospective wife's mother treats her husband, or how she actually views Men, you had better find out. If you are nothing like the prospects Father, forget it as you are a project, and who needs that? If the mother of the prospect has been married numerous times, or has been on wellfare, or has had her husband die young from stress, these also are warning signs! The influence of the mother on the daughter is great Folks, as I have had Women tell me that there are things that they are not allowed to tell Men. A Man has much more to lose in a marriage than a Woman will, and being married for "your potential" really sucks when you get a few things, and then lose it all!
Re:Already in a tough situation! (Score:1)
by Hunchback on 10:36 PM February 27th, 2006 EST (#4)
The influence of the mother on the daughter is great Folks, as I have had Women tell me that there are things that they are not allowed to tell Men.

Says it all.

Re:Already in a tough situation! (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 10:26 AM February 28th, 2006 EST (#8)
Ah, yes. Secrets, lies, manipulation and deceit. Yeah, THAT'S attractive...! (sarcasm, of course)

  "Hoka hey!"
Response (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 08:28 AM February 28th, 2006 EST (#5)
Here is my post:
(the second one - the first I forgot to copy - but it's got 11 points and mentions me being deployed)

This comment is typical of feminist indoctrinated thinking:

"Think about it guys. We women have 9000 years of grudges in our collective gender memory to work through. It's not going to change back to the way it was in the bad old days when women were subjugated. Think about how you would feel if Men had been oppressed for the LAST 9000 YEARS. How would YOU feel."

1. You were not THERE for 9000 years. Or maybe you were and that's why no one finds you attractive.

2. 1/2 of YOUR genetic material came from a man. So I guess YOU owe for those "thousands of years" also. And going further, if you are white (or any ethnic group) then you owe some OTHER group for [x] amount of years of [whatever greivence]. Ummm, when do YOU plan on paying back.

Or, is it just your way of self-justifying your sexist bigoted attitude? You want what you want and this "9000 years" crap, is just your Politically Correct (current political fad) excuse for you to act wretchedly, take from others, AND act like a victim while doing it.

3. Despite your indoctrination: NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. With your attitude you can see why.

So, be the first one to "pay back" with YOUR money, your freedom, lack of access to YOUR kids, and whatever else YOU want and be the first one to give it up.

Oh, that would be something like ... equality or feminine responsibility.

And we can't have THAT can we.

Stop being spoon fed feminist sexism and learn to REASON and think for yourself.

"Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
Ack, my repsonse was cut off - here it is (Score:1)
by LSBeene on 08:33 AM February 28th, 2006 EST (#6)
This comment is typical of feminist indoctrinated thinking:

"Think about it guys. We women have 9000 years of grudges in our collective gender memory to work through. It's not going to change back to the way it was in the bad old days when women were subjugated. Think about how you would feel if Men had been oppressed for the LAST 9000 YEARS. How would YOU feel."

1. You were not THERE for 9000 years. Or maybe you were and that's why no one finds you attractive.

2. 1/2 of YOUR genetic material came from a man. So I guess YOU owe for those "thousands of years" also. And going further, if you are white (or any ethnic group) then you owe some OTHER group for [x] amount of years of [whatever greivence]. Ummm, when do YOU plan on paying back.

Or, is it just your way of self-justifying your sexist bigoted attitude? You want what you want and this "9000 years" crap, is just your Politically Correct (current political fad) excuse for you to act wretchedly, take from others, AND act like a victim while doing it.

3. Despite your indoctrination: NO ONE OWES YOU A THING. With your attitude you can see why.

So, be the first one to "pay back" with YOUR money, your freedom, lack of access to YOUR kids, and whatever else YOU want and be the first one to give it up.

Oh, that would be something like ... equality or feminine responsibility.

And we can't have THAT can we.

4. PEOPLE not "just women" were "oppressed" by rulers. Many of the rulers were men, I grant you, but a serf in Russia, or a bonded slave in India, or a slave in Arabia probably were of BOTH GENDERS and all lived under that same yoke.

Stop listening to feminazi indoctrination that makes it seem that a serf, a slave, or an indentured servant were only "oppressed" if they were WOMEN.

Are you honestly THAT ignorant of history? Have you only been reading HERstory from feminist groups. Do you HAVE the capacity to learn and to form your own opinion?

Stop being spoon fed feminist sexism and learn to REASON and think for yourself.

"Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. Sleep safe tonight, we're on the job."
Re:Response (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 01:51 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#10)
Actually if one were to study the political history of organized civilization one would find that Woman have been pulling the strings through the Men since the beginning. The problem arises with the Mens' ego, most won't accept the truth! Again we are all being played, the only way to really solve this problem is to change who calls the shots. Of course, that would take commitment, and some sacrifice. Good luck over there, and keep your "ass" in one piece!
Wrong (Score:1)
by robrob on 11:09 AM February 28th, 2006 EST (#9)
It's not a lack of committment, it's just men tiring of the double standards, hypocrisy and whining that many of today's women seem so capable of.

9000 years of being oppressed? That mentality is so ingrained, it will be hard to ever get rid of it. I'm skiing just now and while queueing to buy our lift tickets, I saw a poster for a "Woman Only Snowboard Camp" with the tagline "Women - why are you not boarding?".
Of course, the slopes actually seemed to have more women than men. I'm in a group of 8 with 6 of them being female and a female instructor. I've shared gondolas with 9 women and no guys and we all had to stop yesterday for about 20 females in a group whooshing past us on their boards. The one thing the slopes are NOT suffering from is a lack of women.

Like so many acts of "opression", even with the fact staring you in the face, women prefer to revel in their victim status.
Re:Wrong (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 05:27 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#11)
You're right, but I also think that a lot of this stuff we see in popular culture is due to the fact that women now have a lot of spending power, and corporations are chasing the perfumed dollar. They design a lot of products just for women, and use an anti-male or quasi-feminist message to try to sell them. "Why are you not boarding?" means "You're missing out! Don't just leave it to those damned men! Take control! It's your feminist duty to have everything!" They try to appeal to women's egos and sense of victimhood, and to make them feel special, but they're really just selling stuff to make money. I think that's why we see so much misandrist advertising. But then again, it obviously works. You can't sell what people don't want.

"Those who promise us paradise on earth have never produced anything but hell." Karl Popper
Re:Wrong (Score:1)
by robrob on 11:48 AM March 1st, 2006 EST (#18)
You're probably right about this. What bugs me is this though - why do companies seem to assume that the male consumer dollar spend is safe?

Hopefully Verizon and a few others now realise that this is not always the case.
Re:Wrong (Score:1)
by brotherskeeper on 06:20 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#12)
The solution to the garbage you illustrated with the snowboard issue is to punish, reflexively, the companies that do this. Immediately begin a personal boycott. Let one or two others know. Pass it on. Make it an everyday, automatic, habit pattern.
I don't commit because (Score:1)
by Bert on 06:30 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#13)
I don't trust anything that bleeds five days, stinks like rotting fish and still doesn't die.

-------------------- From now on, men's rights first.
How many years of oppression by The Patriarchy? (Score:2)
by mens_issues on 08:05 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#14)
Just how many years have women been oppressed by The Patriarchy? This number is important to feminists, as men are required to suffer under feminism for an equivalent amount of time before they will consider our views valid (so they say).

Here it's quoted as 9,000 years. I've seen it range from 2,000 years to 20,000 years or more.

We really need to pin the feminists down on the amount of time The Patriarchy has been oppressing women so that at least we're able to negotiate with a definite figure. Maybe if we can get the figure down to the low estimate with them then future men will have to suffer for only 80 more generations, instead of 800 (assuming a generation lasts 25 years).


Re:How many years of oppression by The Patriarchy? (Score:1)
by canaryguy (nospam.canaryguy@nospam.stealthfool.com) on 11:32 PM February 28th, 2006 EST (#15)
Here it's quoted as 9,000 years. I've seen it range from 2,000 years to 20,000 years or more.

We really need to pin the feminists down on the amount of time The Patriarchy has been oppressing women so that at least we're able to negotiate with a definite figure. Maybe if we can get the figure down to the low estimate with them then future men will have to suffer for only 80 more generations, instead of 800 (assuming a generation lasts 25 years).

We don't need to nail them down to any number. The fact that they don't have any definite figure is evidence that this "patriarchal oppression" assertion is pure baloney! It is a lie, pure and simple. Whenever a feminist trots out this (or any other) idiocy, call them on it! Ask for sources, demand evidence. Tear their fictions apart. Call them liars to their faces. They are liars and they should not be treated like honest people.

There is no reason to even THINK of negotiating any terms of surrender with feminists.
Re:How many years of oppression by The Patriarchy? (Score:1)
by Daoistfire on 06:18 AM March 1st, 2006 EST (#16)
As I read about the prehistoric histroy of China, about 6000 or 5000 years ago China is still in a MATRIARCHY rule.

If human actually exist 10000 year ago........do this now make sense?

We have oppressed for 5000 years too!!!!
Re:How many years of oppression by The Patriarchy? (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 11:11 AM March 1st, 2006 EST (#17)
When one delves into historical writings of our history they find that behind every Man that has been written about is a Woman or two. Marriage connections have allowed most of our famous Men to get where they got. Women have been pulling the strings for years folks, hiding behind the Men. It is about time that they start taking the responsibility as well. I don't care if they want to work themselves to death, die early of stress, take jobs that are hazardous, for it is about time! EQUALITY comes with responsibility! Just a thought Folks........
a bit of a late post, I know... (Score:1)
by Demonspawn on 08:27 AM March 3rd, 2006 EST (#19)
But I've been away from this site for a bit. There's this game out there called Silent Hunter III that's been keeping me away from everything ;)

As soon as I read her article, I knew it was trash, and here's why:
The MOMENT you call anyone a anything-phobe... you have lost your argument. Call anyone a commitment-phobe, a homo-phobe, a race-phobe.. all you are really saying is "you won't conform to my way of thinking about XYZ". There is no weight to this argument. There is no reason you are more "Right" about this than they are.

It's a labeling/ad-homonen attack, little more.

Many of the replies are so to the point, as well. Am I a "commitment-phobe" if I won't give up my freedom? NO! I'm realistic. I have a girlfriend, who lives with me, who has watched me play a videogame for most of my waking hours of the last week, and has little to say about it other than "are you sure you want to skip watching ER tonight to keep playing?" (um.. no, but let me sink this tanker first) or "Do you mind helping with dinner tonight since I've got company over?" (no problem, she does 99% of the cooking anyways).

I have my freedom, and my relationship. I'll sacrafice the latter way before I give up the former.

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