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Another Mom Tried For Grievous Assault on Infant
posted by Matt on 01:52 PM February 14th, 2006
News Luek writes "Seems like Texas is setting some type of record for murdering moms who plead (temporary) insanity as their defense.

The trial for Dena Schlosser, 37 a sole custody mom who cut off the arms of her infant daughter starts. Remember Texas is also the home of Andrea Yates who slaughtered her five children by methodically drowning each one in the bathtub. She is now out of prison on a technicality and will be retried. The "fix" is obviously in to get her off on an insanity plea too. Also, Texas recently found murdering mom Deanna Laney not guilty by reason of insanity for fatally beating two of her young sons with rocks and seriously injuring a third.

Someone needs to check the water out there!"

Ed. note: Stories from Texas make the news a lot these days perhaps because our current president is from there. However I don't think it's fair to the state of Texas as a whole to single it out as having more than the average number of problems with abusive mothers/parents in general. Child abuse is a nationwide problem, as is the under-reporting and overall lack of awareness of the rate of abusiveness by mothers of their children. Also, the fact that mothers get off far more often on insanity pleas than dads do when charged with child abuse-related crimes is also a nationwide, of not also a worldwide, problem.

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Wow... (Score:2)
by Tumescent on 10:48 PM February 14th, 2006 EST (#1)
That is one scary lookin' female. She looks nuts to me-- I'm convinced.
Re:Wow... (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 08:00 AM February 15th, 2006 EST (#3)
No doubt.
She DOES look coo coo for Co Co Puffs.

I notice how they keep saying, in the article, that she's "mentally ill" and has "mental problems", etc.
But you ever notice that even if a MAN who does this sort of thing is obviously "mentally ill" he doesn't get anywhere near the "understanding" in his description from any media outlet.
They may admit that a male perp is "mentally ill" but it doesn't excuse him from the crime, but if the perp is female it does.
Like it's been said before "Men are demonized, women are diagnosed".

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Wow... (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 08:38 PM February 15th, 2006 EST (#6)
Seems that compassion is only for Women within our current state of affairs. I guess that just makes us Men nothing more than mules, oh wait, the animal activists won't let mules get treated the way they treat us Men. Perhaps Men can get rated as poor dumb animals, at least then we might get some organizations to try and support us......."Hoka hey!" Thundercloud!
At Least Texas Is Prosecuting (Score:1)
by TomP on 12:49 AM February 15th, 2006 EST (#2)
Hey, at least Texas is making an attempt to bring people like this to justice. Compared to a few years back, (and to some other states) this is Progress!
Seems telling (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:07 AM February 15th, 2006 EST (#4)
The point that gets me is that she was accused of Child abuse and investigated before she did this. Oh no, she isn't a danger to her Child! Come on, she is obviously deranged, and just because she is a woman the Child "care services" gave her a pass. She isn't the only one that should be on trial here, the People involved with the rubber stamp investigation should be on trial also! I have to agree that just by looking at the picture she does "look" deranged. Again, the glaring faults of the system have chaulked up another victim, one that couldn't defend themselves, a defenseless Child. Any bets if it were a Man that was accused of Child abuse that they would have locked the Man up post haste?
The Dad's at Fault.... (Score:1)
by SpikeRants on 07:59 PM February 15th, 2006 EST (#5)
According to the local Fox affiliate, mind you. I live in the area that this nutter killed her baby, and the news report about it was "What warning signs the father missed."

Suffice it to say, I am about to send a tersley worded e-mail to them.
Re:The Dad's at Fault.... (Score:2)
by Luek on 11:09 PM February 15th, 2006 EST (#7)
Yeah, and if dad confronted this whackjob female in anyway about HER odd behavior she could 911 him and HE would be put in jail, have a draconian restraining order issued against him; his life basically ruined. All under the power of the newly reauthorized rad-fem VAWA Act!
Re:The Dad's at Fault.... (Score:1)
by khankrumthebulgar on 06:59 AM February 16th, 2006 EST (#8)
This horrific crime happened less than 5 miles from where I am at. It has been open season on children in Texas. Mass murder of Children by their Mothers. Andrea Yates in Houston, a mother in East Texas Tyler area used a rock and bashed the skulls in of 3 of her children all boys I believe. It keeps happening and the FemNags come to the defense of the Mothers. I cannot post on a public web site what I think of the Feminists.
Re:The Dad's at Fault.... (Score:1)
by SpikeRants on 10:26 PM February 16th, 2006 EST (#11)
It's not just the FemNags. Fox 4 once again had a slanted view of this trial. All they showed were people saying that she was insane. Nobody came on and said that it was pre-meditated. All of the people interviewed were on her defense or defense witnesses; not one prosecutor was interviewed.

She killed her child. Plain and simple. Last night I was feeling fairly stressed and I missed my meds for the past few days, and when my 2 week old was crying I felt like doing something I knew then was wrong. What did I do? No, I didn't shake him and yell at him. I set him down, got my wife, and said, "I'm too frustrated, I need you to take care of him." It was easy for me, and I have a major rage problem when I miss my meds. I know for a fact it isn't difficult to know right from wrong; I know it as I'm doing it. She killed her child in a cruel and grevious way, and deserves to be put to death herself.
Re:The Dad's at Fault.... (Score:1)
by SpikeRants on 12:08 AM February 17th, 2006 EST (#12)
I actually got a response from Fox 4 in regards to my e-mail:

"The mission of our coverage in this trial is to accurately report what is happening in the trial.

Yesterday and today, the defense laid out its case, which as you might suspect is totally slanted in favor of Mrs. Schlosser. So if our story appeared to be slanted, perhaps it's because we were doing a good job of reporting exactly what happened in the courtroom yesterday and today. The things that you refer to in your letter were all bits and pieces of the case the defense laid out.

Perhaps you missed our stories from Monday and Tuesday when the prosecution laid out its case. There would have been a decidedly different tone to those stories, because a different side of the case was being presented.

Thank you for writing FOX 4. We appreciate you taking time to write, and we appreciate you reading our reply.

He is correct, I did miss the other newscasts, but I saw no indication on the inital broadcast that I watched and spurred this rant that it was a defense arguement on the fact that it was the husbands fault.
hmph (Score:1)
by blaze4metal on 12:04 PM February 16th, 2006 EST (#9)
Knowing this system, she'll probably get punished more since the Child is a female.
Sickening... (Score:1)
by Emanslave (emma.noelle.blay@hotmail.com) on 02:21 PM February 16th, 2006 EST (#10)
I don't know what to say about this, since I'm from Texas myself...That woman needs to be put to death for murder, Andrea Yates too!!! Sickening, just plain sickening...

Emmanuel Matteer Jr.
Re:Sickening... (Score:1)
by Thundercloud on 12:01 PM February 17th, 2006 EST (#13)
I don't know about putting them to death, (maybe, though) but they should spend a LOT of time behind bars. A LOT of time.

  "Hoka hey!"
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