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by RandomMan on 12:18 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#1)
It must warm the hearts of Betty, Gloria, Andrea and Valerie, whether they're in hell or just waiting for their turn on the spit, to see the ol' Soviet system trying to come back to life in their honour. Feminism is just a slightly more hateful form of Marxism, after all, as all four wHoresewomen of the Apocalypse were well aware.
Steinham got her wish about marriage being "reformed" into an anti-male, asset-transferring bastion of hate supported by legislation and daddy government, Freidan got her wish about the evolution of the perfect, misandric Marxist police state all over the world, Dworkin got her wish to see all intercourse legally called rape (unless the woman says it isn't, and doesn't change her mind later to cover up an affair, save her precious reputation or get even with an ex), all with an army of feminist-controlled police to haul men off to debtor's prison at a whim while the courts refuse to sanction women for lying through their crooked teeth, and Solanas got her wish to see her sisters chopping up men with impunity!
How nice. The women alive today must be very proud of these accomplishments by their sisters, otherwise they'd be screaming to stop the process, wouldn't they?
As any marketing person will tell you, you can't sell what people don't want .
All I can say is the fact that feminism inevitably results in population decline (immigrant women who move to feminist-controlled societies see their birth rates drop to those of the indigenous population of females within a few years), and is therefore a suidicidal political system doomed to extinct itself proves to me that Darwin was right: nature really does weed out the nimrods.
Enjoy the next few generations, grrrlz, because your kind is doomed. You can't run a society purely on hate and exploitation of another gender, as women have done for decades, and not expect that reproduction will more or less come to a standstill. Intelligent men are finally finding that the idea of producing 21-year debtor's prison sentences (also known as children), with the harpies in push-up bras is simply too distasteful to contemplate, even for sex. But I have to agree with what "Red Emma" said early in the 20th century: she said that the liberation of women would have to be sexual. Amen. And when the male pill comes out in the next year or two, you can count on a rapid re-balancing of the scales, and a further, precipitous decline in human reproduction anyplace feminists have visited. Marriage Strike? Get ready for the Paternity Strike, folks.
My only question is how women will manage to get men to pay for their spawning habits when nobody will risk fathering a child with them, and doesn't have to in order to get laid. I wonder what new taxes and indignities we can impose on being male? Only time will tell.
by Davidadelong on 02:00 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#2)
"how women will manage to get men to pay for their spawning habits"
That is one reason why we don't have legalized prostitution across the country. Women are for it, "womyn are not" the average person is for it, but the religious zealot is not. It's all about control.
by Dave K on 07:33 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#3)
And if the current trend holds... western society will auger in... the whole while screeching about how it's all men's fault. Dave K - A Radical Moderate
by Yanyan on 10:37 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#4)
An old Russian joke from soviet days runs:
We have two major newspapers Pravda (Truth) and Isvestia (News). Unfortunately in Truth there's no news and in News there's no truth.
Some things never change.
by RandomMan on 01:41 AM February 2nd, 2006 EST (#13)
I was waiting in a Canadian hospital for care today, and thought of your comment, Yanyan. It reminds me of another truism about the old Russian days:
"In the perfect socialist state, everything is free, but nothing is available!".
If that doesn't sum up healthcare (for men particularly) up here, where we wait three times as long for prostate cancer treatment as a woman waits for breast cancer treatment, I don't know what does. Despite this glaring difference, and the growing life-expectancy gap (which unlike the mythical and constantly-varying-to-suit-the-feminist-propaganda 's wage-gap, actually exists), every government bozo and corporate clone is lined up to have a breast cancer fundraiser of some kind, or advertises that they're donating some part of their sales/proceeds to fund breast cancer. I hope I'm living in a capitalist society if I ever get prostate cancer, which 1 in 6 men will, compared to 1 in 9 women getting breast cancer. I might have a chance of survival!
In America, lack of insurance is a frequent cause of death. In Canada, being male frequently results in death while waiting in line behind all the women and children for care. While you wait three months with a tumour growing in you (women only wait one month, children even less, depending on the cancer, of course), you can read newspapers and watch televisions which scream and whine about the "plight" of those poor women and children in the healthcare system non-stop, never checking to see if it's actually happening. I'd never expect a child to wait so I could get care, but if women want equality, then they can damn well line up with the rest of us.
by Davidadelong on 08:48 AM February 2nd, 2006 EST (#14)
The U.S. is supposedly a capitalist country RandomMan, and the Men here get the same treatment in the health care system as you do. Unless of course the Man is wealthy. Which from what I understand is the same in Canada, no? As far as being poor, no health care, that as well kills Men in this capatilistic country as you have pointed out. But, Men are openly discounted here as well. I pity any Male baby being born if we don't do something. I pity all babys' if we don't do something.
by mcc99 on 11:11 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#5)
by mcc99 on 11:19 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#6)
To the editors:
You're kidding, right? This was just a joke, this article "Women rape men when they have no one to have sex with" ( en.html)? I find it hard to believe whoever wrote it was being serious. But in any case I find it even harder to believe you published it!
Perhaps one day, if the ideas reflected in this article are truly embraced by the average person (and not just passively tolerated as they are now), I may need to find myself supporting the radical feminist goal of "separatism", the notion that the sexes need to be permanently segregated from one another. If so, it would be out of concern for the safety and well-being of my gender.
by mcc99 on 11:31 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#7)
Looks like that email address is bouncing as undeliverable. Oh well... if you want to take the Pravda editors to task, try the forum here
Be advised though no anonymous posting is allowed and there's a registration delay. :(
by mcc99 on 11:36 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#8)
Wait, got this back from their main mail server, in Russian, but with Babelfish was able to translate it as follows:
Day is good! We thank for the interest in the work of our company. We will regret, that we cannot read your letter with this address, since it is closed in connection with the the numerous spamom, which fell on it. If your communication is important and if you want so that we would compulsorily read it, then we request to send him to address Post @ With the respect, command Pravda.Ru.
So I will post the better address and try to re-send. Love technology, yes? :)
by mcc99 on 11:40 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#9)
The first one I posted is heavily spam-bot filtered and rejects hotmail and yahoo address. This one looks like it'll take though:
Post @
(remember to remove the spaces!)
by LibertyUNH on 11:56 PM January 31st, 2006 EST (#10)
Well, I do not think there is any misanry in the article. In Russia there is no "sex crime" witch hunt against men let alone against few women.
Most problem in Russia come from American influence -- violent and misandrist films like Sin City, drugs, etc... Believe me, they will not appreciate Americans telling them how to run their business.
by LibertyUNH on 12:23 AM February 1st, 2006 EST (#11)
> Well, in Russia, there are now many more
> abortions than births and the population is
> dropping by nearly 1 million a year. Perhaps
> this form of anti-male madness has something
> to do with that national collapse?
Or maybe Russia like most of the world is declining due to US influence -- business corruption, illegal drugs, Hollywood violence and misandry.
by Davidadelong on 12:51 AM February 1st, 2006 EST (#12)
The first thing anyone has to do is follow the money trail. If, and when one does that they will find that the U.S. is being controled financially by corporations that do not reside in the U.S. Since the U.S. is the dumping ground for the disafected, and has been since its' inception one cannot rightly just balme the U.S for their countries ills. Unless of course they just want to blame the easiest target. From what I have read and learned about Russia, they didn't need the influence of the U.S. to find corruption, they already had their own brand. But, as in history wherever the disafected are is usually where the blame goes as it is easier to blame the place where the hard heads go. The Americans work harder than anybody else, die from work related stress more than anyone else, and get sent to the far corners of the earth to die, for the rich, which includes the rich in Russia. Blame the U.S. and while you are do nothing to change things, and you will be an accomplice to the future that the elite have planned for you.
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