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Domestic Violence and Murder/Suicide
posted by Matt on 09:07 PM January 23rd, 2006
Domestic Violence Shattererd Men writes "The Early Show (CBS) has a segment about David Brame. He was a police chief who murdered his wife and then took his own life. There have been charges of domestic violence but we are only hearing one side of this story. Check Shattered Men for the other side of the story."

RADAR Alert: Lynch Language in OK Child Abuse Story | Miami Herald Columnist Defends Paternity Fraud  >

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Very Unfortunate. (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:34 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#1)
It is very unfortunate that we do not have the same information from the dead Man that we seem to have from the dead Woman. Some might say that is because Women are encouraged to conspire against their mates, and Men are encouraged to handle things themselves. We need to spend as much time and money for support groups for Men as we do for Women, then maybe this kind of tragedy will cease to happen. I can understand a Man being faced with total ruination at the hands of a less than compassionate system, and seeking the only way out that would seem honorable for a Man such as this Man. It isn't his fault, and building another Womens center isn't the answer. Maybe for him it was a good day to die! Desperation from the realization that you will lose everything, your real influence over your Children, your position, your life as you knew it, is a very daunting thing to face when you cannot see any other advesary other than your spouse. Sad, two lives lost, and the real enemy is getting away scott free. Not if I have anything to do with it! "It is a good day to die!"
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