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by Davidadelong on 09:30 PM January 20th, 2006 EST (#1)
I e-mailed the Gentleman, and wished him well. I myself would like to go to that conference, but it isn't in my cards right now.
by Raymond Cuttill on 07:01 AM January 21st, 2006 EST (#2)
I’d like to hear more about this, preferably from someone with a men’s movement point of view, especially someone who’s been before. I may even want to attend, although it’s doubtful this year. I went to the website, but the links don’t work properly. I did manage to get to the preliminary schedule page by adjusting the link but it didn’t say much. I notice the links include men’s groups like NCFM but also pro-feminist men’s groups. I see also that Edward Stephens references Leeds University here in England which worries me. I have written about Leeds University research in 'SHARED RESIDENCE NOT A 'MAGIC SOLUTION' - Politically correct research funded by a politically correct government?. So I’m wondering if the conference has a PC leaning or agenda. I did look at the NCFM-GNY site but there is no email address there. So if anyone could tell me about the conference, what’s discussed and whether speakers or attendees are PC or not, I would appreciate it.
Raymond Cuttill
by Thundercloud on 11:02 AM January 21st, 2006 EST (#3)
It does sound like they have some P.C. leanings, doesn't it?
That's what makes me mad about some "Men's groups". Too many of them fall all over themselves trying to show everyone how "pro female" they are.
Do the feminists try to show even one iota of empathy towards men? No, they don't.
"Hoka hey!"
by Roy on 02:31 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#4)
AMSA'a web site is a mess, all broken links.
The "History" and "Purpose" links are down, so at present you cannot really examine the group's ethics and intention.
I did copy this from the "Bylaws" link --
"The major objectives of the AMSA are to encourage the refinement of the parameters of men's studies, to generate theory, and to develop methodologies of the study of masculinities from an ethical perspective that eschews oppression in all forms (namely, sexism, racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, classism, etc.)"
AMSA appears to be an entirely academic project by obscure professors of "gender studies" at third-rate universities, 99% of whom are firmly ensconced in the feminist camp.
The code words above re. "forms of oppression" are unambiguous P.C.-speak for male-feminists-in-training.
It would be good to have a real MRA attend their conference and report back.
But since there's no National Organization for Men, I guess that means there's no tax-funded gravy train to get there and check it out.
Maybe somebody could apply for a loan under the new, "gender-neutral" VAWA Act?
by MR on 03:50 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#6)
"It would be good to have a real MRA attend their conference and report back.
But since there's no National Organization for Men, I guess that means there's no tax-funded gravy train to get there and check it out."
If you were a member of NCFM (hint, hint) you would have been able to read a more full account of last years event, attended by Peter, in NCFM's newsletter, Transitions.
Your observations are largely correct about the gender studies ties and male feminist influence. I take my hat off to Peter for getting a foot in the door so MRA's can offer their perspective.
by MR on 03:57 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#7)
"That's what makes me mad about some "Men's groups". Too many of them fall all over themselves trying to show everyone how "pro female" they are."
I can assure you NCFM members will notbe falling over themselves to embrace feminism, but will be asserting MRA perspectives into the discussions. I suspect that what you say may be true about NOMAS, from what I have read and heard about it.
by MR on 03:43 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#5)
Why don't you try emailing Peter at that "mail voice" email address in the original post. That would be a good place to start, IMHO. He's a member of NCFM GNY.
by Raymond Cuttill on 08:09 PM January 21st, 2006 EST (#8)
Thanks, I did finally manage to find an email address on the website, tucked away. I emailed That is there only in case you want to hire a speaker from NCFM-GNY. Not keen on emails on that site. I don't see one on this article, but let's hope I get an answer. I'm increasingly suspect that the Men's Studies AMSA is on about, is a "let's apologise for being men" type Men's Studies.
This is what NOMAS (National Organization for Men Against Sexism) stands for.
The National Organization for Men Against Sexism is an activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men. NOMAS advocates a perspective that is pro-feminist, gay affirmative
What the hell do they mean with "positive changes for men"? I bet it's something like "turning men into pussy woosies".
Organizations like AMSA an NOMAS are worse than te feminazis themselves
Bert --------------------
From now on, men's rights first.
by Roy on 08:02 PM January 22nd, 2006 EST (#11)
It's entirely possible that these AMSA and NOMAS dudes are just a bunch of bi/metro-sexual profs seeking Lolita or Lolito....
Wasn't it Roberto Duran who made the phrase "no mas, no mas!" famous?
Was NOMAS all about suppositories for men?
Can you believe the taxpayers in Michigan have to pay for the tenured salaries of these poopy-wussies?
by Marc A. on 09:58 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#16)
That's exactly why we need effective activists to be part of AMSA and be there at the conference. AMSA appears to be open to allowing both sides. The only way to confirm the extent to which this is true is to do exactly what NCFM New York is doing, to be there and make the men's rights position known. I have met and know Dr. Ed. Stephens and Peter Allemano personally. They are good and effective MRAs, and I trust them. As MRAs, they will not take a position on sexual orientation issues, but will oppose the anti-male agenda of NOMAS. I applaud their work and I hope they can get as many MRA's to be there as posible. If we just stay back and complain on the internet, then we only allow the same thing to continue that has occured for decades: the war in which only one side has shown up.
by Hunchback on 10:28 PM January 23rd, 2006 EST (#17)
by Hunchback on 05:03 PM January 22nd, 2006 EST (#10)
because eventually Men's Studies will one day become a BIG issue in academia (probably through a successful application of Title IX).
When that days comes and funds become available, the only entity poised to step in, unfortuanately, will be AMSA. At present, this would be tantamount to having male feminists define and implement what men's studies should consist of. Disastrous!
Since at the moment we (MRAs) have no well-developed mechanism for handling men's studies, the best we can do is attempt to shift the emphasis at the conference from changing males (you masculist thugs!) to acknowledging the difficulties and injustices we face. In essence we have to proselytize. Other than that, the movement for men's studies could go the way of the fathers' movement: a crisis in father absence is federally recognized; and instead investigating the forces leading to this tragedy (i.e., a fathers' rights emphasis), the gov't responds with a fatherhood initiative (i.e., blame the man) and a marriage initiative (i.e., blame the man who got away).
Men's studies is on the near horizon. Whether it will be authored by NOMAS or men who actually give a damn about men is up to us.
by Roy on 08:19 PM January 22nd, 2006 EST (#12)
Among AMSA's and NOMAS' profefessional partners there is this group -- (text copied from the AMSA conference website):
"On behalf of the members and governance of the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity, I welcome all APA members to become involved in Division 51.
Our division's purpose is to advance knowledge in the psychology of men through research, education, training, public policy, and improved clinical practice.
Division 51 actively embraces diversity.
Three of our four Board of Directors seats are reserved for a woman, a person of color, and a gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered person.
If you are not a member of Division 51, please consider joining today. President, Division 51"
Division 51 sounds like just the kind of guys that Kim Gandy, Prez at N.O.W. would invite to lunch, and then stick them with the tab!
And these "dudes" (pending a strip-search verification for gonads...) would feel honored to be so exploited by an actual vaginoplastic "leader!"
by Raymond Cuttill on 08:57 PM January 22nd, 2006 EST (#13)
Division 51 actively embraces diversity.
Three of our four Board of Directors seats are reserved for a woman, a person of color, and a gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered person. and if there's a man on the board he's only allowed to speak on alternate leap days and only providing he has written permission from the other 3.
by Raymond Cuttill on 09:15 PM January 22nd, 2006 EST (#14)
I fully applaud the idea of attending these conferences. (Although I have a vision of the clergyman in War of the Worlds (the George Pal 1953 version) approaching the Martians reciting "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,..." just before they blast him)
Any appointment to a new department will be subject to the University board. Any non-PC lecturers will be voted down by women's studies lecturers and their friends. By all means someone should try but don't expect to get a non-PC Men's Studies anytime soon or perhaps at all. Not until things change drastically.
by Davidadelong on 09:38 PM January 22nd, 2006 EST (#15)
I'm glad that you Guys saved me the time, the information that I received by reading the imput on this conference will save me the worry of not being able to go. I am suspect of any forum backed by the "intelligenzia" of academia to begin with, and the info that you all shared was enough for me. I don't trust the APA having seen how the new "recruits" are trained. I do talk about the situation, as I have for years; to the point that People tire of me talking about it, but every so often someone actually listens.........
Thanks to all MANN supporters who have responded to the announcement about NCFM's planned presence at the upcoming AMSA conference -- and thanks to everyone who has contacted me directly too.
I think most MANN supporters would find the AMSA conference interesting and worthwhile, though, in addition to hearing ideas and perspectives you'd like, unfortunately you'd also hear ideological feminist cant. Jason Leatherman and I felt such an array of conflicted feelings about AMSA's 2005 conference that, under NCFM's aegis, we wound up publishing no fewer than three articles about our experiences there. One article was in The Male Voice, an e-newsletter published every other month by NCFM's Greater New York Chapter, and two were in TRANSITIONS, the regular newsletter of NCFM-national. If anyone would like to read these articles, let me know, and I'll be happy to send them to you.
The e-newsletter is free, by the way, so if you'd like to be added to the distribution list, please sign yourself up through the "Subscribe Now" link on the home page at There is no obligation to join NCFM, and you can "unsubscribe" anytime.
Because there are publishing and mailing costs involved in sending out TRANSITIONS, it is distributed only to dues-paying members of NCFM; membership in a local chapter is an "add on" option, with each local chapter setting its own dues structure for itself. If you have not yet visited NCFM-national's website, I hope you will do so soon:
If you plan to attend the AMSA conference in April, please let me know, because I would be delighted to meet MANN supporters in Ypsilanti, and I think my fellow NCFM members would too.
Peter Allemano, Member, Board of Directors, National Coalition of Free Men, Greater New York Chapter
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