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Comparing Justice: Men vs Women
posted by Matt on 06:25 AM January 4th, 2006
Inequality Misandrope writes "Statistics can tell interesting stories. Here we learn about relative rates of incarceration for men vs women, and we also learn about a HUGE disparity between sentence lengths for the same types of crimes.

Women murderers are sentenced to term lengths about 17% of what men are sentenced to. In particular, I believe this is because in about 88% of the cases, they are murdering men, their spouses, and ex-spouses.

Yet another chilling piece of evidence demonstrating how very misandrous our legal system is.


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Great Information! (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:02 AM January 4th, 2006 EST (#1)
Wonderful article, and yes numbers are interesting. They tell a sick story about our society. This could never have happened without the consent of our government, courts, and social services system. I also concur with the last comment, about seeking FREEDOM, and EQUALITY, I'm still seeking! Keep up the good work Misandrope!
How come no one else responded? (Score:1)
by Davidadelong on 09:39 AM January 6th, 2006 EST (#2)
I am surprised that I am the only one so far that responded to your article! I read over the article, didn't take that long, and responded. If for no other reason it gives People ammunition to fire away at the system it self. Thank you for your research, your time, and your efforts Misandrope. Looking forward to benefitting from your further efforts! "It is a good day to die!"
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