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by Davidadelong on 10:37 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#1)
My first wife suffered from post partum depression. Only she turned against me, not the Children, and it aint pretty folks! AS far as the situation with Men and debtors prison, yes that is a valid claim, and I am 100% against the system. But after I read the article, I know about post partum depression, and I for one could not equate this Womans plight with the Males current situation. Just my opinion........
by Rand T. on 01:34 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#3)
Despite the media's portrayal of "post partum depression" as some unique illness, it is not acknowledged by the psychiatric community as being such. There is no officially recognized mental disorder or diagnosis by the name of "post partum depression". Post partum depression is considered to be merely a variant of general mood disorders, like "seasonal affective disorder" ("winter depression"). Post partum depression doesn't differ from any other manifestation of depression, in symptoms or treatment, which is precisely why it isn't considered a separate disorder in the first place.
by Davidadelong on 09:23 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#5)
That may be so, but I went through counseling with her, and watched her totally change. I also watched how her mother influenced her during this period. I believe that the hormonal change in some Women causes the severe mood change. You know, those hormones that are abundant when pregnant that go away when the child is delivered? But, I am not saying that I am speaking "facts", just experience, and the thoughts of a lot of psychologists, and what do they know, they just are the ones that actually work with people, while most psychiatrists see people on occasion, and prescribe drugs. It has been documented that some Women experience the same effect of a serious drug withdrawal after child birth, I guess that doesn't count either.
by Rand T. on 10:20 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#7)
The hormonal changes post birth do not occur in "some" women - they occur in *all* women. This is partly why depression researchers generally do not believe these hormones play a role. Also, there's nothing conducive in these hormonal changes to depression. The rapid rising or falling of hormones isn't unusual or biologically abnormal either. All living creatures experience rapid hormonal changes on a daily, nightly and hourly basis. Even men. Psychotherapy is hardly the exclusive domain of psychologists. Unlike psychologists, psychiatrist can treat both with psychotherapy as well as drug prescription. Psychotherapy is actually the most widespread form of psychiatric treatment.
by Davidadelong on 08:49 PM December 10th, 2005 EST (#8)
I did some research because I lived with it, I also have a BS in psychology, are you perhaps a psychiatrist, I went to numerous psychiatrists with both my first wife, and my last. I am basing my observences on actual experience, what about you? I would be curious to know. There are Women who are committed because of this, what about them? By the way I have not met a shrink yet who was any good at psychotherapy, but they sure can write a script!
by Hunchback on 12:55 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#2)
why is a man's involuntary contempt of court (CS debt)—contempt by its very nature should be deliberate—be treated so harshly, and a women's murder of her child be rationalized? Isn't it all supposed to be about the "best interest of the child"? Would a man who was drunk or strung out or schizo or full-blown psychotic be treated so gingerly, given such empathy?
Of course not.
In this country and others, shielding a woman from responsibility for her actions trumps a child's best interest, constitutionality, simple justice and common sense. That is the point. A newspaper could run both stories side by side, and a lot of people wouldn't see the contradiction. Nor would the editors.
As an aside, why do these mothers always choose the most gruesome, painful death for their babies? Why not a blow to the back of the head? Why is it always roasting alive, drowning, smothering, lopping off limbs, the stuff of nightmares? And why is it usually the sons?
(I know, I know. The poor kid reminds them of their no-good daddy.)
by RandomMan on 01:39 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#4)
Would a man who was drunk or strung out or schizo or full-blown psychotic be treated so gingerly, given such empathy?
A man in such a situation would never survive long enough to get to trial, much less treatment. Police forces simply kill them rather then attempting to subdue them. It's even more likely now that women make up a substantial portion of law enforcement. What do you expect when you give a physically vulnerable woman a weapon and tell her to go deal with a mentally ill, physically stronger offender after conditioning her for 20 years to believe that she is always right and always the victim. Male police do would the same in our anti-male culture, but a female officer is going to use lethal force one hell of alot faster when faced with a potentially dangerous or deranged individual.
Men and children - dying in record numbers to support feminism since 1968.
by Davidadelong on 09:52 AM December 10th, 2005 EST (#6)
There is a theory that Women that suffer from this condition actually didn't love the Man that contributed to the pregnancy. When the Woman has this flood of hormones she sees the child as an extension of the Man. Mostly Male children, yes, but that would fit with this theory. As to the severe nature of the act, perhaps it is only a ploy to get away with it? We are all taught that if the crime is heinious enough that we get media attention, and if it is a Woman she usually gets preferencial treatment. I would be curious to find out just what the sphere of influence was surrounding these Women. Who their "friends" were, who was close to them before this happened. Women that suffer under "post partum" depression usualy are easily led by others. Just a thought........
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