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by RandomMan on 05:48 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#1)
Equality sucks. You demanded it, so get a helmet and SHUT UP ALREADY.
You want our rights? Our jobs? Our privileges? Our money? Our homes? Our educations? Our children? Our freedom?
Then grow up and start acting like adults instead of spoiled little brats pitching a permanent tantrum. It's called responsibility - maybe you've seen men with some of it on television, and it goes with the territory, girlz. Either you're spoiled little princesses with no responsibilities and we take care of you, or you're adults and equals with the same liabilities and responsibilities you demand of us. There is no in-between anymore, and you don't get the right to choose one or the other as it suits you, because we don't either. So, since you're always on about your wonderful networking skills, get your shit together as a group, CHOOSE, and SHUT UP about it already. We're sick of your constant demands for choices and privileges you deny us.
Just wait until we start drafting your spoiled, lazy asses, and mandating real employment equity laws that force women to take 51% of hard-labour, low-paying, high-risk jobs so men can go to school and stay home with their children, or work in air-conditioned, 35-hour-a-week, pensioned offices while you stack boxes in a hot, dusty factory out back for minimum wage.
It's coming, and I for one can't wait. You deserve nothing less.
by Trueman on 06:57 PM December 8th, 2005 EST (#2)
It must be nice to be able to pick from a smorgasbord of equality.
“Lets see, Mmmmmmm, I’ll take some of the equal pay, the college incentives, Title IX, Weeew yuk I definitely don’t want any responsibility. What is that? Equal time for equal crime? No thanks. But I will have your pension for desert”
Chiverly died with the birth of Feminism.
by Baniadam on 05:26 PM December 9th, 2005 EST (#4)
The sad thing she will be taken seriously vecause there won't be anyone against her.
Found a good Russian proverb while trying to find this article.
"A dog is wiser than a woman; it does not bark at its master"
Please take this with as bit of humour.
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