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by Alitax on 07:19 PM November 26th, 2005 EST (#1)
Teachers are entrusted with the education of the entire next generation; they should never be excused from statuatory rape (unless I'm mistaken and a fourteen-year-old is legally permitted to choose as much, in some Western nations?) regardless of gender; similarly, I believe they are forbidden from sexual relations with any student (even in university settings, for their own students) since it represents a conflict of interest at the very least. Circumstances are only a fraction of the issue. Regardless of whether she lured the boy or he wanted her attention, you have to wonder why she was let off so easily...
Yes, that was rhetorical. I think I damn well know why and it's irritating to think of.
It'll be morbidly interesting to see if they get married when he hits 18, like that other case whose names I don't recall.
by Kyo on 07:32 PM November 26th, 2005 EST (#2)
You're thinking of that poor kid Vili and his nefarious teacher, Mary Kay Letourneau. Gotta feel sorry for that kid and how messed-up his life has become all because of this one predator teacher.
by Thundercloud on 08:02 AM November 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
But it's different when the "abuser" is a woman.
(sarcasm, of course)
"Hoka hey"!
by Alitax on 07:20 PM November 27th, 2005 EST (#4)
...because it's so much easier for a lawyer to convince people that women are universal victims. Nobody ever said that judges and juries are immune to emotional idiocy.
doesn't say much for women, does it, if 'woman' always equals 'victimized' in people's minds
by Davidadelong on 08:33 AM November 28th, 2005 EST (#6)
As for boy Georges quote, yes he would like men to be subservient to women, and docile, unless he wants to go to war. I too have less patience when I drink, thats why I quit! I said to many things I wanted to, without using the sober part of my brain, or was there a sober part? Anyway it is interesting isn't it?
by Thundercloud on 12:37 PM November 28th, 2005 EST (#8)
"boy George"
You mean the singer???
"Hoka hey!"
by Davidadelong on 07:54 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#10)
No Sir, I meant our current pres. I don't know if he can sing or not!
by Luek on 02:46 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#9)
Well, did you confront this feminist twit about the stupid remark she made? You had a golden opportunity there to advance men's rights.
I hope you did because just posting to will do very little about stopping misandry.
There have to be deeds behind the good intentions.
by Davidadelong on 07:58 PM November 29th, 2005 EST (#11)
Luek, I want to thank you for making a very strong point. If we do not live our beliefs, fight within the system, and lead by our actions, all this is for nothing.
by frank h on 10:43 AM November 28th, 2005 EST (#7)
I did read that she has to register as a sex offender, so that's some consolation. Of course, who knows what treatment women who register will receive from the general public compared with men. Probably a visit from the Welcome Wagon lady with tea and crumpets whilst the men get tarred and feathered and run out of town.
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