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by Ragtime on 05:22 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#1)
Ottawa rescinds hiring ban on able-bodied white men
Deputy Minister apologizes for Public Works edict
Tom Blackwell
National Post
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
A federal government department has cancelled a three-day-old edict that essentially banned the hiring of able-bodied white men over the next several months.
The directive had said managers at the Public Works and Government Services Department could hire only the disabled, women, aboriginal people and visible minorities until at least the end of March.
Others could be recruited solely by written permission of senior executives, said David Marshall, the Deputy Minister, in a memo circulated on Friday and reported by the National Post.
The policy was prompted in part by a sharp drop in the proportion of people from the designated groups who had been hired in recent months, but critics warned it could create a backlash against those very Canadians.
The policy was reversed in a memo issued late yesterday.
"While the measure proposed last week was short-term and not intended to be a ban on hiring individuals from non-designated groups, it could well lead to this impression," Mr. Marshall said in a new memo.
"As such I am rescinding this measure immediately," he said.
"Please accept my apologies."
The department received complaints from outside, while concerns were also expressed internally about the policy, said Pierre Teotonio, a Public Works spokesman.
"It prompted a good debate," he said.
The department says it will work with the Privy Council Office, the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency, designated group members and unions to develop a comprehensive, long-term strategy for promoting employment equity.
A statement issued by the department yesterday suggested the policy had been "misconstrued by some as being non-inclusive. This was not the intention."
The original memo was, however, straightforward.
"All persons recruited externally must be from designated groups (persons who are visible minorities, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and women), except for cases having received ADM/CEO written approval," it said.
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
by Ragtime on 05:45 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#3)
After being called on being a sexist and racist bigot, slithering scumbag and member of the Liberal party (but I repeat myself) David Marshall, the Deputy Minister of Public Works and Government Services, begs:
"As such I am rescinding this measure immediately, Please accept my apologies."
Riiiiight. Not a chance, dickweed. No way, Jose.
Oh, you're going to remove everything except MERIT from the hiring guidelines, vote against the Liberals in the up-coming non-confidence vote, AND THEN resign in disgrace?
Ok. Apology accepted.
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
by Luek on 05:37 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#2)
Well, Well look at this!
Once thought only the zombie brain-dead were in charge up there in that misandric pisshole in the snow called by some, Canada.
But then again it could just be a cheap misandric strategy to get so-called dead beat dads employed so their pay can be garnisheed by the government.
Even the pinhead family court justices know you can't get blood out of a turnip. They acquired this bit of knowledge by years of experience trying to though.
by Ragtime on 05:55 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#4)
Hey, Luek, spare me the condescention of your "misandric pisshole in the snow called by some, Canada."
Like it's any worse than that "misandric pisshole in the sand called by some, the USA"
You really think the US is any better? There's areas where Canada is better off and there's areas where the US is. Get over it, already. Instead of trying to feel smug and superiour to your male brothers in Canada how about realizing that feminism is a worldwide problem that must be stopped everywhere.
Pot, kettle, black, buddy.
The Uppity Wallet
The opinions expressed above are my own,
but you're welcome to adopt them.
by SacredNaCl
on 06:47 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#5)
For the moment we don't have speech tribunals in the US. (Though they keep trying). Both of our countries need a revolution, and we are all facing a lifestyle that includes a bit too much to lose to do it, so we continue to tolerate the tyranny for the moment. I wonder how well Canadians and Americans will tolerate it when the CFR gets their wishes and merges the United States, Canada, and Mexico as one unit and breaks out 'The Amero' as the official currency. Think I'm dreaming? Its in their own documents.
My bets on what will happen with this policy will be another memo that says the same thing, but only worded to comply with the official policy "We must return to 1:5 hiring practices, and to get to one in five, we must increase minority representation of the following designated groups..."
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Luek on 07:23 PM November 25th, 2005 EST (#6)
Like it's any worse than that "misandric pisshole in the sand called by some, the USA
You bet it is bad here and in other Western countries BUT this specific post was about Canada not the USA.
A recent horrendous example of misandry running wild in the USA happened in Florida where a 20 something high school female teacher had sex with underaged teen boys and was only given house arrest. Some American men and maybe even Canadian men are serving hard time in prison for just downloading a nude picture of a minor onto their computer the same age as the ones this female sex predator actually raped but she gets house arrest for a YEAR.
However unlike in Canada, truth is still a defense here before the courts. You have to admit that.
by Thundercloud on 12:23 PM November 27th, 2005 EST (#7)
Here's an idea.
Why not just hire whoever is QUALIFIED.
You'd think that that concept wouldn't be that hard to grasp, but apparently for some people(feminists, wussie-poopies etc.) it is.
"Hoka hey!"
[an error occurred while processing this directive]