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by Clancy
on 09:35 PM November 16th, 2005 EST (#1)
I have not been reminded in a good while so will someone here please tell me again how priviledged I am to be a man. I can rape young women with impunity. I can commit horrendous acts of bestiality upon the opposite sex without fear of reprisal. I can have sex with underage girls and ply them with drugs and alchohol and say WEEEEEE, What Fun! I know there's a bunch of other stuff I can do just for the hell of it but the list is so long, I've forgotten some of them. How 'bout a list. Anybody got one? Oh yeah, if'n I should get in trouble for some minor indiscretion, I can still go looking for more trouble, except with the persons with whom I originally got into trouble. HA! There's plenty more young 'uns out there. It's great to be a man. I wish my thumb was bigger. I'm havin' trouble keeping all of my women underneath it. (sarcasm off) Anybody got a hanky? I'm so happy I could cry.
by Anonymous User on 11:07 AM November 17th, 2005 EST (#3)
Oh, and don't forget, Clancy, You can blame it all on a woman or women in general to get out of trouble or at least reduce the penalty, if there even is one a penalty.
Yes, we men are so privileged. (sarcasm, of course)
"Hoka hey!"
by mens_issues on 01:19 PM November 17th, 2005 EST (#4)
Didn't you know that The Patriarchy is out there, and working for us men? Why, they are a group of elderly men in white robes who meet in secret locations to scheme how to benefit men by oppressing women. Such meetings involve outlandish rituals. And edicts are given out from some sort of Patriarchy Central to men around the world. Meanwhile, the Knights of the Patriarchal Order ride around on horseback defending The Patriarchy, and celebrate their victories over root beer. And men are issued Male Privileges™ cards as a bonus just for being male.
So, if you would like to join The Patriarchy and get in on this deal, please go to:
by Clancy
on 05:28 PM November 17th, 2005 EST (#6)
Awesome. Just like "The Knights Templar". I always wondered if there was a power unseen, kind of like the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny, that preserved and protected the Patriarchy against the EEEEVIIIIL forces of N.O.W. (Nuns On Wheels). I want my Male Priviledges card. Where do I send my 10 cereal boxtops along with $2.50 cash? I haven't done any serious female type women oppressing in ages and I'm gettin' a little itchy. What kind of oppressing can I expect to participate in when I join the club? Do I get root beer, too? What kind of rituals are you talking about? Indian sun burn? (sorry TC) Wedgies? NOOGIES??? The Curley shuffle? Do you have sword fights with those card board rolls left over from gift wrapping paper? Is Martha Burke going to make you take on any cootie infested girly members?
I'll check out your site when I get home. Yahoo clubs are banned from my present location.
by Anonymous User on 07:05 PM November 17th, 2005 EST (#7)
By Patriarchy you mean muslims?
Yes they do exist!
And they are coming to europe and will CRUSH all feminist women.
by frank h on 08:47 AM November 17th, 2005 EST (#2)
Don't you know? Restraining orders are only for MEN!
by Anonymous User on 03:40 PM November 17th, 2005 EST (#5)
Here are some extracts from the article, which was written by Candace Rondeaux:
"Debra Lafave's attorney will argue she was so out of her mind, that she didn't know what she was doing was wrong."
Rondeaux makes a weird comparison between the Lafave case and that of John Hinckley. She says, "Lafave's attorney will use an insanity defense that worked to get John Hinckley acquitted on charges of shooting President Ronald Reagan and three other men in 1981."
It is if she is saying, 'well if John Hinckley got off on that defense, certainly Debra Lafave should!'
Also from the article" "the prosecution's latest move hints at the legal strategy it plans to use to defeat Lafave's insanity defense. In the Nov. 3 motion, Sinacore [prosecution lawyer] asked a judge to bar Lafave's attorney from offering testimory about the teenage boy's other sexual activities or whether sex with Lafave was consensual."
"The teenager's testimony could be crucial if doctors contend Lafave was delusional or confused at the time, some experts contend."
Get a load of this:
"Lafave coworker Geri Lopez told police she started seeing 'a change if Lafave' after she and the boy met. Lafave started missing work and complained of headaches, Lopez said."
No shit? I wonder if excusing herself from work freed her up for sex with the boy. At least, this is the first time I ever heard of a woman using the headache excuse to HAVE sex.
by unrulypassenger on 06:44 PM November 18th, 2005 EST (#8)
Has no one else noticed that after all these thousands of years and crap males of our species have gotten away with (much of the time)..the women are starting to try to catch up? They have a long ways to actually catch up, thousands of years really. But they are now gang members, starting to bully more, rape (if you can call it that) kids, rob banks, build brothels, go to male strip clubs, murder, committ more crimes generally and even murder spouses (who sometimes asked for it but even so..), they occupy more and more prison space statistically also. We as a society have created a monster. Now we have to eat crow and deal with it and frankly we have to allow them some catch up time and not fly off the bench at every little case or news item. We really arent fair in that ...think about it.
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