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by Anonymous User on 03:18 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#1)
Is she actually going to GET 30 years?
Or will she be like a lot of women who do this sort of thing and ACTUALLY just get a slap on the wrist?
by Anonymous User on 06:17 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#3)
The sentence appears to have been so severe because this mother of three served minor-aged boys pot, meth,and alcohol before raping them.
(She was charged with distribution of a controlled substance, and it was obviously not her coochie.)
The average maximum sentence for sexual assault is 77 months, and the average actual length of time served is 44% of the sentence.
Females on average (for all crimes) serve 8 months less than men convicted for identical crimes; though in the case of rape, women serve 13 months less on average than men.
by Anonymous User on 05:15 AM November 16th, 2005 EST (#7)
"I'm assuming it was consensual"
The law doesn't care if it was consensual or not. Many men have tried that defence when caught having sex with someone who is underage.
There is NO difference whether it is a man or woman that commits this crime. This message will eventually get through.
by Luek on 09:07 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#6)
I just bet some feminist agenda keeping judge will do what the feminist political machine in Texas did for Andrea Yates, vacant her sentence on the slightest of technicalities and plea bargain her sentence down to time served and probation.
Too bad she didn't do this in Canada she would probably not even have been charged!
by SpikeRants on 08:03 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#4)
is the types of crime they were considered. According to the CNN article, "She pleaded guilty in July to two misdemeanor counts of sexual assault and nine felony counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor."
I'm not a legal expert by any means, but to me, misdemeanor is like a small crime (drinking liquor on liquor store property, etc,) and is not a big crime. Why is raping young men a misdemeanor?
by Anonymous User on 08:25 PM November 15th, 2005 EST (#5)
Not all misdemeanors are created equal, and one type in particular is far from a "small" crime.
If a woman 911's a man, he will typically be charged with misdemeanor domestic battery. (Less you think battery requires an actual assault, it is legally defined as "an insulting or provocative act...."
When the guy is convicted on the basis of her subjective testimony about "being afraid of him and being emotionally abused," he will begin to understand that a misdemeanor is no small thing.
(Note that no physical violence needs to occur to be charged or convicted; also note that the standard of proof is the woman's "feelings.")
A DV misdemeanor conviction cannot be expunged from your criminal record --- even though other crimes like burglary, manslaughter, and fraud can be.
A DV misdemeanor requires surrender of any firearms owned, and legally prohibits any ownership or association with firearms.
A DV misdemeanor can lead to loss of professional licenses and permanent disqualification from certain jobs.
A DV misdemeanor will exile a man into at least six months to a year of "psycho-dynamic educational counseling" inflicted by radical feminist therapists, the privilege of such education will cost him between $1,000 and $3,000 dollars, depending on his state of residence.
Moral of the story?
If you're going to commit a mere misdemeanor, stick to jay-walking .... preferably to run across the street when you see a woman walking in your direction!
Now, I'd appreciate hearing from Ray .... the real DV tyranny expert!
by Anonymous User on 02:17 PM November 16th, 2005 EST (#8)
by Anonymous User on 02:25 PM November 16th, 2005 EST (#9)
Anonymous wrote" >"Women suck"
Yeah? So do you.
"Hoka hey!"
by Luek on 04:21 PM November 16th, 2005 EST (#10)
by mens_issues on 04:12 PM November 18th, 2005 EST (#11)
Westword, a Denver alternative paper, published a story about Silvia Johnson here: ture.html
Fortunately, the article wasn't sympathetic to her.
I also noted that she committed domestic violence against her husband on at least two occasions.
by unrulypassenger on 07:14 PM November 18th, 2005 EST (#12)
Just how DOES a female technically rape a resisting reluctant male...I mean (you know) HOW? I don't mean sodomy, I mean rape uhhh GEEZ okay hear it is: How does a female force a terrified resistent male to get it up and keep it up? No can do.
by Anonymous User on 06:39 AM November 19th, 2005 EST (#13)
Presumably when a man forces himself on a 15 year old female, and there is some form of natural lubrication that allows the sex to happen, then the female is actively consenting to the sex? No? Why not? Ahhhh - just that old double standard - boys cannot be raped?
Anyway, the point here is that it may be consensual, it may be physically possible for the boy to enjoy the act and "perform". But while the law says still says that it is illegal for adults to indulge in "consensual" sex with a minor, that law should and BETTER be applied to female abusers as well as males.
by unrulypassenger on 08:20 PM December 13th, 2005 EST (#14)
Ya know Rob?? touche i get it, i agree Never looked at it that way. Just any time i hear of a female child being raped, i see her either drugged or threatened or physically held down or a gun to her head. When an eager young boy consents, a lot of those elements are missing and therefore as a male i cant see being able to get it up unless its MY idea, young though i may be. That's what i meant.
i agree, no adult should mislead a child into sexual activity regardless of how eager or willing. i agree. You changed my mind. Thnx
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