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by frank h on 04:35 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#1)
One of the things I've admired about the Indian culture in the US (from my distant observation point) is that they have very strong family values. I suppose that it comes from being compelled to learn to live with your spouse given that you may not have chosen her on your own. Don't forget, that husbands are compelled to live in arranged marriages, too, and I've observed personally cases where the wife is FAR less pleasant than the husband.
One of the fruits of this strong family structure is the I've observed that VERY FEW Indian children present discipline problems in our schools and likewise, they find themselves on the wrong side of the law very infrequently.
I predict that all this feminist "empowerment" will destroy that which I had heretofore admired. Hopefully, Indian men will wake up and see the damage and fix the problem before it's too late.
by Anonymous User on 11:47 PM November 9th, 2005 EST (#2)
As Jinesh Says it is going to very difficult for men to put their own interest becasue for centuries they have been taught to sacrifice even untill death . In fact the suicides of farmeers are done with regards to get some money for their wifes and children . Where as most of suicides of wifes are done with a respect to destroy her husband even in death.
Feminists like Indira Jaisingh, are bent in destroying the intitution of indian marriage, Domestic vilence laws are prone to far more misuse becuase the protection provided by the legal principle "merely becuase a claim is diffcult to prove does not absolve the claimant from the burden of proving his/her claims" . The domestic Violence , Family laws , Dowry laws and other womens laws fall into category where in the protectionof this legal principle isremoved ad that is why it is prone and is misused. I suspect that even the western countries inspite of having an efficient justice system would struggle if they removed such principle in family related laws and made the innocence prove thier innocence rather then the prosecution proving their guilt.
Since many oif these laws are brought without such protection by militant feminists . they are the ones on whom the responsibility of horror and abuse caused as result of implementation of the laws.
by johnnyp on 08:26 AM November 11th, 2005 EST (#3)
The Indians are heading down the path of ruin along with the Kuwaiti’s. At least we western men will have company in hell.
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