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Feminist PC Claims Another Victim
posted by Matt on 03:15 PM October 21st, 2005
News bandersnatch writes "From The Globe and Mail:

Legendary adman Neil French is leaving one of the premier jobs in advertising after telling a Toronto audience that family duties usually prevent women from succeeding in the business. Mr. French confirmed yesterday that he has quit as worldwide creative director of WPP Group PLC, the world's second-largest marketing company where he oversaw famous agency networks including Ogilvy & Mather, JWT, Young & Rubicam and Grey Worldwide."

Click "Read more..." for the rest.

"'The woman asked why there are so few women creative directors. I said because you can't commit yourself to the job. And everyone who doesn't commit themselves fully to the job is crap at it . . ,' Mr. French said yesterday in an interview. 'You can't be a great creative director and have a baby and keep spending time off every time your kids are ill. You can't do the job. Somebody has to do it and the guy has to do it the same way that I've had to spend months and months flying around the world and not seeing my kid. You think that's not a sacrifice? Of course it's a sacrifice. I hate it. But that's the job and that's what I do in order to keep my family fed.'"

A good movie, let's hope: "After Innocence" | Miers and Race/Sex Quotas  >

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Even HR managers will tell you this (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:56 PM October 21st, 2005 EST (#1)
I just interviewed our HR manager. SHE told me that there is never a discrepancy in pay between male and female employees that do exactly the same job, working exactly the same hours, with exactly the same abilities. But then she went on to say, if one employee is less reliable or less available when the company needs them, or has a monthly sick leave requirement, etc, that employee will inevitably start falling behind during annual reviews and salary advancements. And she probably won't be happy about it, but she simply is NOT as competitive as a man when it comes to these things. And the HR mgr was not apologetic about it - SHE said, "that's just the way it is in business"....
Re:Even HR managers will tell you this (Score:2)
by Dittohd on 10:41 PM October 21st, 2005 EST (#2)

Sounds good. That's what women (HR managers in particular) have to say when asked the question you asked. What did you expect her to say... that yes, they discriminate in favor of women?

Now I'd like to see what really happens.


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Re:Even HR managers will tell you this... P.C. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:25 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#3)
What the H.R. girlie director didn't say is that women have choices men don't have, because the husband is sentenced to be "competitive" (read - a full-time wage-slave), while his wife gets to dabble in a career that's only as demanding as she wishes it to be.

The Human Resources Office is to corporations what Women's Studies Departments are to universities.

It's all about the P.C. totalitarianism of "diversity and cultural competence" nowadaze....

Re:Even HR managers will tell you this (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:32 AM October 23rd, 2005 EST (#6)
And why are HR managers almost always women? In fact, most of the entire HR departments in the companies I worked for were women. You can't believe a word they say. Their doublespeak is some version of - "We have to discriminate in order to prevent discrimination."
sounds like supermom (Score:1)
by quetzal on 02:11 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#4)
but for every supermom there's a 'superdad'. Especially in the half-dozen families of relatives and friends that I have known for many years - the father works at least as hard as the mom to help raise the kids, or else he works extra hours to keep them surviving.
Cowards (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:39 PM October 22nd, 2005 EST (#5)
Oh for God's sake, he tells the truth and then has to run away cowering in shame?

Shame on feminists and women everywhere who stand by and do nothing to stop their leaders or bite the insatiably greedy hand that feeds them their endless stream of political and social "goodies", for being such cowards that they can't deal with reality unless it's wimped down and agenda-warped to a level where it panders to their preconceived, myth-based, womens studies version of "victimhood", where a spoiled white western woman is somehow "oppressed". Your lives are based on lies, girls, and as one of the former presidents of the US said, "the truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."

Shame on feminists everywhere. Lying cowards, every last one of them!
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