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by Anonymous User on 12:02 PM October 15th, 2005 EST (#1)
We HAVE to erase from the public mind the image that (all) women are sweet, dainty, delicate flower sniffers if we are ever gonna get the message out about male victims of D.V.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 05:46 PM October 15th, 2005 EST (#2)
"...and a former victim of domestic abuse"
Having had 1800 Marines on our Helo Carrier during the Vietnam Tet offensive, I should point out, there are no Sergeants in the Navy so that's a Marine Sgt. saying that. You just don't get any tougher, (any more macho) in this life, than a Marine Sgt. Double Wow! how can a woman commit domestic violence against a Marine Sergeant? Why didn't he defend himself?"
Well, where I'm from, the way I was raised, "Gentlemen don't hit or manhandle ladies." That could well be the case with this man too.
Furthermore, military personnel are highly trained to be "disciplined" in their behavior. My heart breaks to think that some men who've served in Iraq may come back to civilian life and have "family problems," discipline themselves to endure them, then be falsely accused, arrested, ruined, revictimized, etc., etc., etc.
It has already happened to ex-service in Man-Hating America.
For Battered Men their Batterings Never End,
Sincerely, Ray
by Anonymous User on 10:23 PM October 15th, 2005 EST (#3)
When a distinguished Navy man (Ray) and an eloquent Native American warrior (Thundercloud) can join forces to create a greater men's movement, then I can envision a future that will be good.
Even with VAWA 2005 passing soon, be aware that
all revolutions begin by defining barriers as illusions....
by Anonymous User on 04:40 AM October 16th, 2005 EST (#6)
"...join forces to create a greater men's movement, then I can envision a future that will be good."
Thanks Roy.
"…the better angels of our nature." Abe Lincoln
"…the content of our character." MLK
Working together for the common good of humankind is an idea as old as time, and given the fallibility of human nature, it is an idea that will most likely be necessary until the end of human kind on earth.
It would have been nice if the human species originally came with an instruction manual so we don't have to discover so many "human things" by trial and error. Not only that, the operating instructions (game plan) for the human species keeps changing form generation to generation. Evolutionary updates would be nice from time to time along with the original instruction manual.
The last thing the human species ever needed was squirrelly gender feminist ideology thrown into all the existing imperfection, making things just that much worse.
by Anonymous User on 04:53 PM October 16th, 2005 EST (#7)
"Never hit a woman" is chilvarous bullshit that got us into this mess. Women must be beaten to keep them in line.
by jenk on 09:34 AM October 17th, 2005 EST (#10)
Blah blah blah.
Have anything better to say?
by Uberganger on 07:13 AM October 18th, 2005 EST (#15)
Well you must have at least one X chromosome, that must be worth a smack.
by Anonymous User on 03:28 AM October 16th, 2005 EST (#4)
It's nice to see someone in a government or public service actually acknowledging the fact that domestic violence is a two-way street, particularly someone who you might expect to be the least likely to speak about his personal experience with it in public. Congratulations to this man for his courage.
It's nice to hear about a "Family Shelter" instead of just a "Women's Shelter".
It's equally nice to hear someone talk about the facts with honesty and with figures for both genders in hand. Yes, women are abused every day, and it's a horrible thing that needs to be addressed. But neglecting men and children to create a culture of victimhood won't make that problem go away, and lopsided "research" that only asks half the questions and reaches only pre-determined conclusions will hurt us all in the long run.
by rup on 04:00 AM October 16th, 2005 EST (#5)
Will Modern Lav and Kush are ready to remove the Mask of Modern Suparnakhas and Ravans ??
In India the way 498A , antidowry LAW misused , Supreme court of India termed the same as New dimension of "' Legal Terrorism in India " .
But the Goverment and LAW maker does not brother for the same and ready with another Blood Cancer to kill the institution of Marriage in the Form of Domestice Violence bill instead of Domestic Harmoney Bill .
Check this :-
Another step to Kill the Institution of Marriage - Part 2
Modern Ram and Modern Laxman had been made power less in the form of misuse of Rape LAW ,Adultrity LAW , 498A and Antidowry LAW .
As a result a lot of Modern LAV and KUSH , coming out to teach a lesson to Modern Suparnakhs who had taken the mask of Modern Sita and doing this legal terrorism with the help of a lot of Ravans .
Check what a Modern LAV Dipen , a 10 yeras old son says :-
I dont want Mum - Says 10 Years old Dipen !!!!
The fighter Lee , says :- " He had already lost the LAV as his wife had allready aborted the first child and wanted to kill the Kush also , but he fight back and able to save his son life and fighting at court for the Child custedy and Visiting right , very much hope full his son will be a Modern Kush and inspite of his wife and in-laws all the effort one day he will punish them and will come back to him ."
Is Lee done the Mistake by respecting the Anti Dowry LAW ?? - Part -3 , Lee Fight Back !!
The Supreme court Laywer Mr. Mahesh Tiwari says : - " Yes a lot of dishonest wifes kidnapped the child from thier husband by misusing the LAW, especially in case of NRI and using them as a mask and trying to show the society that they are Modern Sita . The way 498A are getting the misused , a lot of child are faceing the problem of single parenting system . The story of Dipen is nothing new , only thing now media , accepting the chalenge our society faceing . Today child are very smart and well aware of every thing with the help of Internate , TV , News paper and hence they understand the value and care of a Ramond father , who gives more effort than thier mother , to ensure a good future of thier child . The story of Dipen is the start of the movement , very soon we will see such type of story more often ".
The President of PSS delhi , Mr. Praveen walia says :- " recently I was in a resturent , and observed how a arrogent wife beating his 3 yers old dughter openly , her only mistake that she asked a glass of water and her mother asked her to take the water from the glass at her own. In the process she break the glass in the resturent , and her mother want to teach a lesson to her , how to behave in a resturent . This noting new , allmost 80 % childern abused and beaten by their arrogent so called well educated Mother comparetelvy the child feels more comfortable to thier Ramonds father . Yes Swarup , you are right , the time had arrived when a lot of Modern LAV and KUSH will remove the mask of Modern Sita from the face of Modern Suparnakhs ."
We know the Modern ram , Modern Laxman and thier family goes to jail by false 498a and will be thrown out of house by misusing the proposed DV Act , but the question is unaswered , what will do the LAV and Kush ??
Check this :-
Child says no to stay with mom
“Mujhe Maa Nahin Chahiye( I do not want mom)” these are the words of a child Dipen whose mother left him and his father to stay with her parents a couple of year back. hild-says-no-mom/
Will our so called feminst and women well fare orginasation will accept this ??
This is Feminism or Legal Terrorism?? ( Huge Publication)
Will they stop this legal terrorism in the name of women well fare ??
Will our Goverment stop playing this dirty game in the name of Vote Bank ??
Let wait and watch , time will give us the answer !!!!!
At last terrorist activity only kill the innocent , and the by doing the terrorism you can not achieve your goal .
It is the time all IIT ,IIM ,IT Engineers along with well established Industry People , Media , Jurnalist , Social activist and women support orginasation , have to decide how you support to such LAV and KUSH and give them the right direction so that they should not became a Modern Ravans in future in our Society !!!!!
With regards
Swarup Sarkar
Disclimer :This is totally writer personnel Views only. You may have different opinion. The name and place changed to protect the Persons Identity.
by jenk on 09:37 AM October 17th, 2005 EST (#11)
This was a great article, both because it addressed male victims, and because it was embracing the idea that fighting against domestic violence is NOT a gender issue. Both male and female vitcims can be served without sacrificing the other.
Impressive to see the male victim stats read by someone of prominance and clout.
Articles like this make the idea of male victims accessable to the general public, and take the wind out of feminist sails that MRAs want to keep abusing women. Great news!
by Anonymous User on 11:05 PM October 16th, 2005 EST (#8)
Mutually assured destruction - of the cold war.
First strike is countered by retaliatory second strike, which caves in the head.
This is probably what is happening in these statistics. Women abuses man, who retaliates one second later. It makes sense to me.
One of the tenents of equality is "if you hit me, I'm going to hit you back" and generally, this is a losing proposition for a woman....until the police arrive.
by Anonymous User on 09:12 AM October 17th, 2005 EST (#9)
Not if she has the frying pan, rolling pin, gun, car keys, ....
by Luek on 01:43 PM October 17th, 2005 EST (#13)
I just got a generic blowoff letter from Representive Tom Price, Georgia 6th District, stating that he was so happy he voted for reauthorization of the 1994 Clintonista Marxist-Socialist legislation known as VAWA that he felt like squealing like a pig with delight.
Oink! Oink! Oink!
by Anonymous User on 02:23 PM October 17th, 2005 EST (#14)
Yeah, ol' Tommy's only WORTH about two cents...
"Hoka hey!"
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