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Great MRA Letter Prints in Star Bulletin
posted by Matt on 10:24 AM October 9th, 2005
The Media Marc A. writes "http://starbulletin.com/print/?fr=/2005/10/08/edit orial/commentary.html

'Ignoring the fact that gender inequities hurt boys has promoted the idea of girls as "underdogs" while suggesting that boys are somehow privileged.'"

Another 'abused woman' gets away with killing her husband | RADAR Alert: D.V. Providers Who Violate The Law Must Not Be Granted A Monopoly  >

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Send them a complement (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 11:29 AM October 9th, 2005 EST (#1)
I send the paper a complement - I suggest you do the same

Thier email:
Re:Send them a complement (Score:1)
by Gregory on 03:33 PM October 9th, 2005 EST (#2)
I did -- e-mailed and thanked the paper for publishing Gerald Nakata's excellent letter.
Re:Send them a complement (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 06:01 PM October 9th, 2005 EST (#3)
This is the only way the media will start pubishing the truth - if the know that people actually want the truth.

Every time I see an anti-male article, I write the editor to complain.

Every time I see a male frendly article (I think this is the first), I write the editor and give a complement.

Re:Send them a complement (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:21 PM October 10th, 2005 EST (#4)
"Every time I see an anti-male article, I write the editor to complain.

Every time I see a male frendly article (I think this is the first), I write the editor and give a complement."


Ah yes! Behavior modification! ;-)


Re:Send them a complement (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:00 PM October 10th, 2005 EST (#5)
I just thanked the Star Bulletin...here is the letter...

Jeff / This is not Equality

Thank you for publishing Gerald Nakata's letter to the editor regarding the article, "Focusing on women, girls leaves boys out in the cold," in response to your series run in September, "Women of Hawaii."

I am so used to the mainstream media mantra of "women and girls are angels, men and boys are devils" that my jaw nearly hits the floor when I see something something positive about the male of the species printed for millions to see.

Honestly, it doesn't hurt to allow positive text on males to appear in your newspaper. In fact, it might actually help with your ad revenues.

I'm sure you probably received some negative feedback from propaganda based groups like the NOW, but I doubt the feminsts are buying many of the beauty products or jewelry advertised in the Star Bulletin...that would be hypocritical.

Thanks again,
Re:Send them a complement (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:10 PM October 13th, 2005 EST (#6)
>>"but I doubt the feminists are buying many of the beauty products or Jewelry advertised in the Star Bulletin..."

'wouldn't help them if they did, anyway. They'd still be wart-hog-ugly.

Excellent letter by Mr. Nakata, B.T.W..

  "Hoka hey!"
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