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Reaping the Absurdity One Sows
posted by Matt on 02:18 PM September 24th, 2005
News TLE writes "Is this what the radical feminists want? Boys are now permitted on girls' high school teams, just like girls can join boys' teams. Of course, the coach won't actually let them play against opposing teams! Can't beat up on the girls! Maybe this is how this type of absurdity will end. There are no rules about the numbers of boys on girls teams, so the whole girls' team could be made up of boys! But probably, it will get fixed in a PC way, that is, making rules to protect girls from defeat by boys, but not the reverse."

Volvo Convicted of Gender Discrimination | The Patriarchy Isn't Falling (Allegedly)  >

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Sexual discrimination plain and simple (Score:1)
by alphamale on 03:30 PM September 24th, 2005 EST (#1)
I'm happy to see that finally what's good for the gander is also good for the goose. What dismayed me was that the boy figured that since they wouldn't let him play in games against other teams because they complained was "reverse" discrimination. Got news for you. It is sexual discrimination in the EXACT same way as if a girl was on a boys team and not allowed to play in games. We need to do more to educate society and specifically young males, that females can be just as sexist (or in most cases more so) as males and there is no excuse in 2005 for ANY discrimination based on sex. Be it on sports teams, criminal laws or affirmative action.
Re:Sexual discrimination plain and simple (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:51 PM September 24th, 2005 EST (#2)

Seems to me that this guy would have sexual discrinination grounds to sue if they're consistently keeping him out of competitions where other girls playing are not as good as he is.

I hope he gets tired of the discrimination and sues.

form boys to be gentlemen (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 09:58 PM September 24th, 2005 EST (#3)
Football and intolerant liberals
Terence Jeffrey

November 3, 2004

When Gen. Douglas MacArthur was superintendent of West Point he had these words carved into the gymnasium wall: "On the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that, upon other fields, on other days, will bear the fruits of victory."

  Yet, on some American football fields today, there is an unfriendly strife that may bear bitter fruit tomorrow in an escalating cultural war.

  Take the case of St. Mary's Academy, a religious school in Kansas.

As the Kansas City Star reported, St. Mary's voluntarily forfeited its Sept. 24 game against White City High School when it learned that White City's roster included a 14-year-old freshman girl who plays offensive and defensive line.

  "We're trying to form boys to be gentlemen, and knocking a girl around on a football field is the furthest thing from that," Father Gerard Beck, regional bursar for the Society of Pius X, the Catholic splinter group that runs the school, told the Star. "Football toughens the boys and teaches them to fight for a cause within a certain structure. It's not a game for girls, and not a game for boys to play against girls. We don't want to train them to treat girls that way."

  Amen to that.

  St. Mary's, it turns out, would have played the game had White City agreed not to suit up their linewoman. But White City declined.

  Fair enough. Under "freedom of choice" -- which liberals tout whenever they want to do something that flouts traditional morality -- you might expect that one school would be free to put a girl on its football team and another would be free not to play them.

  St. Mary's made its choice and took its lumps -- credited with a 2-0 loss. But the story did not end there. The Kansas State High School Activities Association, the local governing body for high school sports, has shown little tolerance for St. Mary's choice.

  "But in the year 2004, one would hope that individuals would not stereotype boys' and girls' athletics to the point where they wouldn't play a football game if a girl is on the team," Rick Bowden, assistant executive director of the association, told the Star. "It's a disservice to the young ladies in the state."

  No diversity will be allowed, it seems, among high school football teams. All high school boys who play football must be ready and willing to hit girls. The association, the Star reports, requires that all member schools allow girls to play football, and that no member school can refuse to play a team that fields a girl.

  Even schools that do not belong to the association -- i.e., St. Mary's -- must apply for the association's approval each year if they want to be allowed to schedule games with member schools.

  "Bowden said the association would take a closer look at St. Mary's application next summer," the Star reported. " … If St. Mary's doesn't qualify as an approved team next year, the school wouldn't be able to schedule games against association member teams."

  "They would have to go out of state or find other approved or not approved schools to play," said Bowden.

  This is a Jim Crow-like system that discriminates against high schools that choose to take a traditional and gentlemanly view of the way boys ought to behave toward girls: Schools that won't force teenage boys to hit teenage girls if they want to play football are separate -- but not equal.

  Under the Friday-night lights of Kansas we are seeing a little preview of the prospective endgame for the overall cultural war if the busybodies of the American left manage to win it. These petty tyrants are not satisfied with the freedom to behave as their consciences tell them to behave. They want to force everybody else to behave like they do, too -- even if this means forcing traditionalists to act against abiding standards of civilized behavior and their own well-formed consciences.

  Just last month, for example, the Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to a California law that requires the Catholic Church to buy insurance that provides artificial contraceptives to church employees, even though artificial contraception is against the settled teaching of the church. Four years ago, in a 5-4 decision written by Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the Supreme Court ruled that a state government could not force the Boy Scouts to have gay scoutmasters.

  Will that decision -- and the fundamental principle of liberty it preserves -- stand under a new chief justice?

  On the doorsteps of our churches, around the campfires of our Boy Scouts, on the football fields of Kansas, seeds are being sown today that will determine how free America is tomorrow.

Re:form boys to be gentlemen (Score:1)
by scudsucker on 07:46 AM September 25th, 2005 EST (#4)
So what does any of that have to do with "liberals"? I'm surprised he didn't throw in a diatribe about how liberals are at fault for the Asian tsunami last year or that they created HIV.

"...show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence" George W. Bush - Republican 2005

Re:form boys to be gentlemen (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 05:43 PM September 26th, 2005 EST (#6)
I suggest that they let the girls play football and also let the boys blow them out of their shoes.
Let equality reign!! Show them exactly how equal they are on the football field...because later in life the girls are going to skin the boys in court...
Re:form boys to be gentlemen (Score:1)
by pegasus on 12:18 PM October 8th, 2005 EST (#7)
HI ,

I am trying to teach my son, age 13 to be a gentleman and i am hoping there will be a lady left for him someday. I am very upset with my own gender and over the past 5 years or so i have lost respect for women.
Sex is always a weird issue for some reason. why cant it just be accepted as an expression of love between two people without having to "demonize" someone for wanting in. Yes, i am anti violent but that goes across the board. I am working on a thesis for school about feminism and its social impact if anyone is interested in a discussion. i am at pegasustrio@yahoo.com
Thundercloud's tales of SCARY STUFF!!! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:28 PM September 26th, 2005 EST (#5)
When I was in 7th grade I remember that we played dodge ball with the girls in our class.

The thing was the boys had to throw left-handed if they were right handed an visa-versa.
The girls were allowed to throw any way they wanted.
We boys lost, of course, and it gave the girls the right to say:"Yay! we beat the boys!" "Girls rule, Boys suck!"
That was my first taste of political correctness.
So while it was designed to boost the self esteem of girls it was also, obviously done to destroy that of us boys.

  "Hoka hey!"
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