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Unexpected Essay in Post on Lewd Conduct by Young Women
posted by Matt on 10:27 PM September 18th, 2005
The Media Wasn't expecting the Post to publish such an essay, especially as it openly declares that young women are as *gasp* responsible for their lewd behavior as young men!

But as much as the author writes a strong, brave essay, I do beg to differ on this matter: young women are entirely responsible for their own behavior, lewd or not, as are young men for their own.

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Decent Article (Score:2, Insightful)
by johnnyp on 12:03 PM September 19th, 2005 EST (#1)
I have always been perplexed with the feminist’s support of sluttish behavior, while at the same time demanding respect. These contradictory demands show that feminists are confused.

It is obvious to me:
Behave like a slut – get treated like a sex object
Have dignity and self-restraint – get treated with respect

Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:1, Insightful)
by Anonymous User on 12:05 PM September 19th, 2005 EST (#2)
This says to me, once again, that feminism is not "about" anything other than "anything you like, honey" -- empowering women to follow their solipsistically mutating caprices year by year, decade by decade, preferably until hell freezes over, and preferably on the backs of men.

Here's a new item to add to your lexicon: Raunch Feminism

Some would insist that the sort of thing treated in this article is "not the real feminism", but that cliché is wearing mighty thin. The stuff treated in this article is very much indeed within feminism's historical-evolutionary trajectory. Feminism is a tree which bears many fruits -- all of them poisonous.

Good to hear some critical voices raised on these subjects. The iceberg melts drop by drop...


Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 01:11 PM September 19th, 2005 EST (#3)
"anything you like, honey"

aka, no consequences to one's own actions. I wish I could have that privilege.

Didn’t Jack Nicholson say something like this in a move?
Woman to Jack’s character: Your writing is so insightful, how do you see into woman’s sole so well?

Jack’s answer to the woman: Well … I take a man, and then remove all accountability and consequences…

I laughed so hard after seeing that scene.

Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:45 PM September 19th, 2005 EST (#5)
Nope, wasn't Nicholson -- although it does sorta sound like him. See here:

That movie you're describing sounds like Good as it Gets.


Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 11:30 PM September 19th, 2005 EST (#6)
I found the quote from "As Good as it Gets"

Woman: How do you write women so well?
Melvin (Nicholson): I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

http://www.reelwavs.com/movies/sounds/as_good_as_i t_gets/asgood10.wav

Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:1)
by scudsucker on 02:14 AM September 20th, 2005 EST (#7)
I laughed so hard after seeing that scene.

I wanted to laugh at what this one lady told me, except she was serious. She said that women are expected to behave better than men, so they are punished more severly for the same crime. No joke.

"...show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence" George W. Bush - Republican 2005

Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:2)
by AngryMan (end_misandryNOSPAM@yahoo.co.uk) on 06:11 AM September 20th, 2005 EST (#8)
It may not have been a joke, but it's still funny. "women are expected to behave better than men" Expected by whom? Feminists constantly present themselves as paragons of moral virture. They constantly TELL US that they are better than us. Then they make out that it's somehow US putting pressure on THEM. Nor are they more severely punished - society gives them a much easier ride than it gives men. That's why they live longer.

"empowering women to follow their solipsistically mutating caprices year by year, decade by decade"

Sometimes even minute by minute. You hit the nail on the head.

"Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." Louis D Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice, 1913
Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 07:26 AM September 20th, 2005 EST (#9)
I had a b1tchy fem tell me the same thing – I emailed her the DOJ report on sentencing.

DOJ report that says women get shorter prison sentence in all cases except property crime.

Avg sentence for murder for a man is 80 months
Avg sentence for murder for a man is 60 months

I think women get the same sentence for forging checks.

Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 03:54 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#13)

Avg sentence for murder for a man is 80 months
Avg sentence for murder for a woman is 60 months

Re:Feminism's Perennial Harvest (Score:1, Informative)
by Anonymous User on 04:54 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#15)
"Avg sentence for murder for a man is 80 months
Avg sentence for murder for a woman is 60 months"

But also, women much less likely to be charged with murder than men for same crime.
Women much less likely to to be convicted even if charged with murder.
Women much less likely to get custodial sentence if charged/convicted.
As you say, if they are given a custodial sentence it will be much shorter
Sentence will be served in conditions far superior to those served by men.


This is Empowerment (Score:2)
by frank h on 04:30 PM September 19th, 2005 EST (#4)
We've known all along that women want to control men through sex, and here is the evidence. Most American women know that, for the most part, they can get away with their slutty behavior and there's not a thing men can do about it. So these women are using their sex power to see just how much they can squeeze from men. The thing is, a LOT of men are becoming jaded to it, and the younger women are finding they have to get sluttier and sluttier at every turn of the page. But the only consequence is that they don't get what they want as easily. There are no significant down sides, ranging from rude comments and leers to violent, anonymous rape. They'll keep acting this way until the consequences come back. I'm not suggesting it SHOULD happen, but I am suggesting what WOULD happen if the "law" wasn't quite so biased against men.

Have you noticed, recently, how many MORE women are tattooed than men?
Re:This is Empowerment (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:38 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#10)
No, I have not noticed this -- but I'll start a mental survey. I wonder what could be the reason for such a thing -- do women think tatoos are "sexy"..?


Re:This is Empowerment (Score:2)
by frank h on 03:36 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#12)
I dunno. They look like dirt to me, on men OR women. And since I know men work harder, and because I'm not particularly inclined to get close to them, I'm more willing to accommodate dirt on men.
Re:This is Empowerment (Score:1)
by Duncan Idaho on 03:43 AM September 21st, 2005 EST (#16)
I hate tattoos on women too, especially the big stupid ones they get on their lower-back. It seems like 1-in-5 women under 30 have them these days. We call them Slag-Stamps in the UK; I believe they're named Tramp-Stamps in the US.

To me, tattoos and mothers don't go together; I can't see how any guy would want the mother of their children to have big tattoos on her back, breasts and butt.
Re:This is Empowerment (Score:2)
by frank h on 07:31 AM September 21st, 2005 EST (#17)
"Tramp-stamps." Hmmm... I hadn't known that. But I like it. I'll surely use it next time I see one.
I see em...and their uniforms (Score:2)
by Clancy (long_ponytail@yahoo.com) on 12:04 PM September 21st, 2005 EST (#20)
Off the top of my head, I'd say 6 out of 10 women appearing in porn films have the lower back tattoo. They all are young - 20ish, give or take a few years. No conclusions, simply an observation. A (young) girl that used to work where I do would wear low slung pants and short shirts so that when she bent over, her tattoo was plain to see. Her little displays were not accidents.

To paraphrase Cris Rock:

A man walked up to a woman dressed in a manner to draw attention to her breasts and buttocks and propositioned her, thinking she was a whore. Offended, the woman asked, "What makes you think that if I dress this way, you can automatically label me as a whore?" To which the man replied, "If I wore a police uniform and you walked up to me to ask for help, what makes you think that I'm a policeman? Just so you'll know, you ARE wearing a whore's uniform."
Re:This is Empowerment (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 09:11 AM September 21st, 2005 EST (#18)
The only people that do not look silly with tattoos are sailors and bikers (both men).

Women with tattoos? I think it is not attactive - unless the tattoo says "I will obey my husband"
Re:This is Empowerment (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden @ yahoo.com) on 07:31 PM September 23rd, 2005 EST (#21)
*smirk* I work in the sex industry, and I have no tattoos. Everyone askes "And where is your tattoo? I thought you had to get one." Or a navel piercing, don't have that either.
Plain silliness, that's all. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:40 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#11)
I simply see these types of women and girls as part of the whole "juvenile behavior" fad of the feminist movement.
It is just the latest wave of a type of mutated feminism.
I pay it, and the females who indulge, in it little mind.
It is just a new way for some females to act stupid.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Plain silliness... stats on singleness (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:41 PM September 20th, 2005 EST (#14)
Whether it's juvenile feminism, girls gone wild, or just men's boredom with an endless carnival of bimbos, the statistics suggest that marriage is a dying institution....


More than three times:

The proportional increase of never married women ages 30 to 34 during the period 1970 to 2000 (from 6 percent to 22 percent). Men experienced a similarly dramatic increase
in singleness, from 9 percent to 30 percent. Indeed, young, single adults are much more common today than a generation ago.
http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/2001/cb01- 113.html

48% and 44%:

The proportions of American women and men, respectively, who were 15 and over and unmarried in 2000. These percentages were up from 40 percent and 35 percent,
respectively, in 1970. http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/2001/cb01- 113.html

Re:Plain silliness, that's all. (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 09:16 AM September 21st, 2005 EST (#19)
That is the kind of behavior one should expect from humans when personal responsibility, and the pressures of reality are removed. That behavior is reminicent of the young idle rich.
"*smack on the wrist* Stop feeling empowered!" (Score:1)
by crescentluna (evil_maiden @ yahoo.com) on 08:07 PM September 23rd, 2005 EST (#22)
While I don't particularly wish to see hordes of women rushing out to be porn stars or strippers, I find the attitude of "you can't have respect and do that!" annoying. Or, rather, "you can't have respect and do the same things they do!"
Rather, everything in it's place. You lapdance for your husband at home, 'cause he thinks it is sexy and you feel sexy doing it? Have a blast, what does it matter to me what makes you feel sexy? One must understand, however, your court date is probably not an appropriate time to have no clothes other than croptops and 6" heels, no matter how sexy you feel.

I'm also for acknowledging consequences. That doesn't mean I condone them or find them appropriate it, but they are to be expected. Case in point, wore a miniskirt today. Walked three blocks. 6 catcalls/"heybaby"s/whatevers. Uhm, yeah, duh, that is an expected consequence [of course that tends to happen in ankle-length skirts too, but for the sake of argument]. Is anyone were to whine to me about the evil patriarchial society that causes catcalls when short skirts are in evidence, I would laugh, because the notion is ridiculous that somehow, men are to blame for YOU not be treated like a nun when you don't dress like a nun.
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