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Insane men get jail while criminal women get psychiatric care |
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by johnnyp on 07:03 AM September 12th, 2005 EST (#1)
A Department of Justice report says that men get longer prison sentences.
by SacredNaCl
on 01:47 PM September 12th, 2005 EST (#2)
Long history of bipolar seemed to be about the only condition the court recognizes anymore, and that a jury will accept that the perso is 'normal enough but still crazy momentarily', and as a plea to serious crimes its still a very low percentage batter for men. Very rarely works for things like traffic fatalities and the like. I've seen people convicted that could pass the old test of "Is it a fireplug or a person?".
His problem was Crazy + Gun = someone they want off the street and afraid the hospital would release them, not that a lot of people don't end up spending far more time in those than they would in prison.
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