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Men's Rights in the Bookstores
posted by Matt on 06:20 PM September 2nd, 2005
The Media Anonymous User writes "MisforMalevolent takes Barnes and Noble to task for their lack of coverage, or understanding of Men's Rights. Why can't the major publishers give men's rights more coverage? It probably would sell as well as dry tomes like "Women's Rights in France" (A top ten match for "Women's Rights" on B&K.com)."


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Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 06:43 PM September 2nd, 2005 EST (#1)
Last time I was in my B & N local franchise and asked the lesbian, pierced, and tattooed fem-bot to help me find a book by Warren Farrell, she led me to the Self-Help section!

When I asked about where the "Men's Issues" shelf might be, she looked at me with a sly glance and said --- "Perhaps you should check out the Anger Management section." (And walked away.)

Well, she had a very nice, perky, literate ass.

So I took little offense.

This is one of the more right on blogs I've seen.! (Score:1)
by SacredNaCl on 07:46 PM September 2nd, 2005 EST (#2)
I love this guys blog. Dead on, dead to the point.

Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
Re:Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:2)
by jenk on 07:37 AM September 3rd, 2005 EST (#3)
I agree, I have looked for a men's issues section at our stores and found very little. I did find the War on Boys, Who Stole Feminism, and Spin Sisters, but they were in Politics I think. It was a while ago.

I would live to see 'Rantings' on the shelf right next to the books called "Bitch" and "Love your Vagina" Add a little perspective.
Re:Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:18 PM September 3rd, 2005 EST (#6)
Hi Jen,
I'm thinking of submitting the new second edition of The Rantings of a Single Male to B&N for their online store, but their approval process takes 3-4 months! It might be worth it, just in case the book takes off, it can get onto the shelves quickly. Maybe not next to "Bitch" and the plethora of vagina-worship books, though. I might get nightmares!

FYI, the second edition will be shipped to Amazon this Tuesday, and should be in their distribution channel next week sometime. Apologies to those who are waiting on their back-ordered books!

Tom Ellis
Re:Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:43 PM September 3rd, 2005 EST (#7)

I would think your excellent book would immediately qualify under B & N's "multi-cultural diversity" policy, yes?

Oh, that doesn't include white / black males who have written provocative books?

My bad.

Re:Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:2)
by jenk on 09:47 PM September 3rd, 2005 EST (#8)
Do it Tom, even if it ends up not going through, you have a better chance doing it than not. Your book is very valuable, and can you imagine how many men, whose girlfriends are looking at the women's studies section, may stumble on yours? The impact you may have ? How many men you can save from enslavement to some femiharpy?

Your book is very powerful, and the more men who read it the better. I myself am planning on taking a copy to the library when I get one back from those I lent them to. Spread the word, however you can. I just refuse to lend my signed copy....mine!

Re:Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:11 PM September 4th, 2005 EST (#9)
Yeah, but just think how mad it will make the feminists and wussie-poopies...!

..Oh, wait, we don't CARE, do we? *evil grin*

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:2)
by jenk on 07:47 AM September 5th, 2005 EST (#10)
Or do we? We care that many feminuts are as pissed off as possible. ;-)

wussie poopies-you always crack me up with that one!
Re:Kudos for Exposing Major Bookseller's Misandry! (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:47 PM September 5th, 2005 EST (#11)

There is a "wussie-poopy" section!

It's a small shelf in Business Management labelled-- "Emotional Intelligence: How Becoming More Like a Woman Will Make You More of a Man and Fatten Your Wallet So a Gold-digger Can Take You for All You're Worth!"

I think Dr. Phil is represented there.

Oh, the other "wussie-poopy" shelf is much larger; it's in the Children's section, under Potty Training! ;-)


Wussie-poopies... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:58 PM September 6th, 2005 EST (#12)
I originally coined that phrase to mean effeminate males, but it grew to also mean wimpy and P-whipped men as well. But most of all it now means the men who like to be dominated by women, hate their own gender and aid and abet the feminists at every turn.

I HATE wussie-poopies...!

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Wussie-poopies... (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:00 PM September 6th, 2005 EST (#13)
Oh, and Jen, I'm glad it makes you laugh. You NEED some laughter, lately it seems.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re:Wussie-poopies... (Score:2)
by jenk on 09:22 AM September 7th, 2005 EST (#14)
Don't we all.

I Did a Similar Search on www.bn.com... (Score:1)
by Boy Genteel on 09:38 AM September 3rd, 2005 EST (#4)
...and I found much of the same. I also found LOOKING FOR MR. RIGHT, a horrible picture-caption book written by Bradley Trevor Greive of Australia. I may have mentioned this one. Picture every possible insult about men, including "jokes" about cutting penises off, "cleverly illustrated" with old photographs that make implications of what the captions were suggesting. It's written, I suppose, for women to give to women who are hard on their luck with regard to "meeting the right guy."

Number 20 is FATHERS' RIGHTS: HARD-HITTING AND FAIR ADVICE FOR EVERY FATHER INVOLVED IN A CUSTODY DISPUTE, by Jeffery M. Leving and Kenneth A. Dachman. 21 is a book about overcoming prostate cancer. I'm up to 70 and I don't see a whole lot else that pertains to "men's rights."

Just keep the heat on and eventually we'll see progress, even if it comes begrudgingly.

Men are from EARTH. Women are from EARTH. Deal with it.
The modern rules of advertising? (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 02:59 PM September 3rd, 2005 EST (#5)
This looks interesting:

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