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More on declining fertility
posted by Thomas on 06:42 PM September 1st, 2005
News Though the populations of developing nations are expected to increase at least through mid-century, collapsing fertility rates throughout most of the developed world have already begun to take a severe toll. Japan's population has aged for years as a result of this phenomenon, and its population has already started to collapse -- two years before expected. It's hard to find an analysis of such a politically incorrect notion, but I suspect that the destructively rapid collapse in fertility rates has arisen in part from the systematic destruction of traditional families and of male-female relations in general as well as from high rates of abortion, in other words as a result of feminism.

As Europe and Japan collapse, the US may find itself standing on top of an ash heap. In this article, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore paints a frightening picture of what we face as a result of collapsing fertility rates (with a few comments about other problems).

Click "Read More" for the rest of this post.

To learn more about this dire threat, especially how it will affect the US, I recommend "The Coming Generational Storm : What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future" by Kotlikoff and Burns. Be prepared for a bit of pandering to women in the book, but at least it's not extreme. We should all be thinking very carefully about how to prepare ourselves. There's gonna be hell to pay.

Hitchens on Circumcision | Grass Roots to Counter Feminism  >

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Good article. (Score:1)
by mcc99 on 09:31 PM September 1st, 2005 EST (#1)
That article was well-written and he brought up good points, even though he shifted topic a bit at the end into global warming-- but it's fair to say that his predictions regarding the melting of things and how people will react are well-taken. What is ominous is the implications of his commentary-- what would gov't "involvement" in human reproduction look like as far as direct power over the making of babies go? Would I be required to father x no. of kids by a certain age or my sister do the same? How badly would the law have to be bent to allow that in a country like the US? Our already Swiss-cheesed Constitution (ie, it's had so many holes shot through it over the past 220 years it looks like Swiss cheese) would all but have to be tossed out the window entirely.

Well if indeed water levels rise and food is scarce (witness New Orleans-- that's what it looks like, folks!) all over the place, you can forget law and order anyway.

You know, I am sorry if this seems a bit too fatalistic, but frankly, I am glad I probably won't make it to the next half of this century vis-a-vis my expected lifespan. I would really rather not be around for 2050-2100 AD.
Re:Good article. (Score:2)
by Thomas on 09:44 PM September 1st, 2005 EST (#2)
I would really rather not be around for 2050-2100 AD.

And I would not care to be a girl being born or starting to grow up today. For the sins of the grandmother shall be visited upon the granddaughter.

-- Creating hostile environments for feminazis since the 1970s.

Re:Good article. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:44 PM September 4th, 2005 EST (#4)
"And I would not care to be a girl being born or starting to grow up today. For the sins of the grandmother shall be visited upon the granddaughter."
                                  Yes, the same thought has occurred to me. The status of women to-day is no guide to their status in the future. We have seen the total collapse in mens rights and status in the past 30 years. No reason why the same wont happen to women. I wish to see gender equality and not a "mensnazi" sociey , but history will take its course and mensnaziism may ultimately be mens response to feminaziism.

what would gov't "involvement" (Score:1)
by johnnyp on 12:39 AM September 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
Most likely more incentives would be used - remember that women have virtually no duties to society. Only men can be forced to do things they do not want to do, "because it is their duty".

Today women are treated like princesses - to get them to have more babies we will have to promote them to queens.
Russia (Score:1)
by Baniadam on 05:01 PM September 4th, 2005 EST (#5)
Here’s an interesting article on Russia population problems:
More Abortions Than Births in Russia — Health Official

Two major factors are the destruction of welfare & Abortions: The number of abortions a year in 2004 exceeded the number of births. Really sick!

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