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Michael Buerk Criticizes our Feminised World on British TV
posted by Matt on 07:56 AM August 30th, 2005
The Media ahhkaboom writes "On British television (on the first episode of "Don't Get Me Started" on Channel Five), Michael Buerk dared to note and also criticize how our world is becoming feminised. He noted how masculine qualities are being forced aside, men are being forced out of the family, and how men are being feminised in various ways. The press, of course, has hated Mr. Buerk for these views. Here, however, is a more fair view from the press on the program here."

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Buerk. He's my kind of people. (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:18 PM August 30th, 2005 EST (#1)
I LOVE what this guy has to say. I hope he NEVER stops saying it. PLUS, we need about a thousand more men just like him. The men's movement would be successful a million times over if we did.

You know what we might want to start doing? Encouraging men in America, Canada, Australia, England etc, to move over seas. Get away from these femroids, let them have their "female dominated" country. We men could take all of our knowledge of technology, science, medicine and everything and just leave the feminists and like-minded women to themselves. If they are attacked by another country, we DO NOT get involved. Let THEM defend THEMSELVES, let them fight their own damned war for a change, all by their lonesome. That would be sweet.
And you know they'd come "boo-hooing" to us. But I say we don't lift a finger to help them.

Oh and before some fembot-Troll says; "Oh Thundercloud's a big Meany and wants all women to die in war...!" I say; I hope that the decent women will feel welcome to go with us men. We can just leave all the feminists here. Oh, and the Wussie-poopies can stay behind too.

  "Hoka hey!"
Re: Speaking Truthfully Risks Public Castration (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 01:51 PM August 30th, 2005 EST (#2)
It’s interesting to compare the recent savaging of two men of accomplishment, the U.K.’s esteemed broadcaster Michael Burke, and Harvard University’s President-castrato Lawrence Summers.

Both gentlemen had the audacity to refuse the P.C. gag-code of feminism and briefly speak their minds.

Summers blew the lid off his tenured Ivy League neighborhood by merely suggesting that scholars might want to pay more attention to the skewed distribution of genius and autism along gender lines.

Buerke had the temerity to observe that feminism has had precisely the effect on society that it has long proclaimed as its goal, i.e. the supremacy of women in matters of power and influence.

For these crimes against the Gynocracy, both men are being publicly shamed and vilified, and Summers has already surrendered to the gender-fascists at Harvard in order to keep his job, apologizing over and over for his bad thinking while throwing a few million into new faculty hiring quotas and gender police offices.

Mr. Buerke seems rather less contrite, even enjoying the combat. He’s not shown any inclination to fly a white flag yet, and has not backed down or apologized for stating his beliefs.

But what "connects the dots" in these two cases is the obvious proof of feminist intolerance for diversity of opinions when it goes against the orthodoxy of gender political correctness or, worse, breaches the lace curtain of misandry and censorship by which feminism defines the acceptable terms of all debate.

It's really time to re-read Orwell and Huxley, still the best primers on the true nature of feminism.


Re: Speaking Truthfully Risks Public Castration (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:21 PM August 30th, 2005 EST (#3)
Well, as Christina Hoff Summers once said of feminism; "Dictatorship can not tolerate dissent..."
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