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by Anonymous User on 03:02 PM August 23rd, 2005 EST (#1)
That women are the primary abusers of children is undisputed in research.
This topic could be addressed if VAWA became the Prevention of Family Violence Act, but that would mean taking off our cultural rose-colored glasses about the "fairer sex," and maybe even require the abandonment of chivalry.
We might even have the opportunity to examine why lesbian couples have the absolute highest rate of DV!
"Sugar 'n spice?"
I've seen on the 'Net that you can make a nice improvised explosive device from these very ingredients.
by Anonymous User on 06:40 PM August 23rd, 2005 EST (#2)
I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that mothers are far more likely to be single parents.
An absent father can't likely abuse now can he.
by Anonymous User on 08:10 PM August 23rd, 2005 EST (#3)
"An absent father can't likely abuse now can he"
An absent father can't likely stop the mother abusing his children now can he.
by starzabuv on 12:44 AM August 24th, 2005 EST (#4)
Chances are he's been run off by false accusations and restraing orders. Disclaimer: Everything I post is of course my own opinion. If it seems harsh, Feminazis just piss me off!
by Anonymous User on 03:38 AM August 24th, 2005 EST (#5)
It's been proven that children being raised by Single Fathers are far less likely to be abused than those raised by Single Mothers. A father's job is to protect his children, and that includes protecting them from mothers, who more and more these days just see their kids as their property to do whatever they want with. Hardly surprising given the abortion-on-demand culture feminists have created. If a woman is entitled to have her unborn baby killed at a whim, there's not much to stop her from feeling entitled to batter the child after it's born.
I think it's about time Father's Rights groups stopped demanding for Joint Custody. It's nothing more than a feeble compromise. Father's should demand FULL automatic custody. Unless it's PROVEN that a father is abusive or neglectful, in the event of divorce the kids should always go with the father. They're safest with dad, plus he can actually support them rather than rely on welfare and Child Support as single mothers do.
by Anonymous User on 01:02 PM August 24th, 2005 EST (#6)
Is it just me, or are most of the children abused by their mothers BOYS?
It seems like every time I see a story on an abusive mother the victim is a little boy.
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 03:13 PM August 24th, 2005 EST (#7)
| al_abuse_by%20Women.htm
The above link is a transcript of a 1997 BBC programme on women who abuse children. It says male and female children are equally affected.
by Luek on 06:23 PM August 25th, 2005 EST (#8)
Hardly surprising given the abortion-on-demand culture feminists have created. If a woman is entitled to have her unborn baby killed at a whim, there's not much to stop her from feeling entitled to batter the child after it's born.
This is so true! To emphasize this evil concept, our society will charge someone who kills a fetus during an act of violence or just a car accident with murder, (re: the recent incident in Philadelphia, PA where the pregnant girlfriend was murdered and the Scott Peterson murder conviction in California) but allows abortion on demand of the same fetus if the woman so chooses.
This strange contradictory behavior and warped value system that society exhibits in cases of the woman's sacred right to chose to become a parent or not after conception would be considered a severe schizophrenic mental disorder demanding immediate treatment if it where exhibited by a single individual.
by Uberganger on 08:20 AM August 26th, 2005 EST (#9)
Oh well, I guess that gets them off the hook then.
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