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by Tumescent on 06:52 PM August 2nd, 2005 EST (#1)
I see this stuff all the time at my work place (a large regional bank). Women want to have all the choices at work. They want to be able to take time off to have kids, and then stay home with the kids until they feel like coming back—then it might be for part time or “flex time”, or the biggest joke of all- “telecommuting”. Sure, men can take maternity leave as well—and basically get laughed out of the bank and blackballed from advancement- and don’t’ think that doesn’t happen either. After taking a few months off to rest, or to “find themselves, then working part time for several months or years they then want the same advancement opportunities and pay—then bitch about the mythical “wage gap”. Give me a break…. Meanwhile all the men and the women that are serious about things at work have to pick up the pieces and do all the work that these people aren’t there to do. While women are considering all their choices at work, men are basically there to work their asses off until we retire someday or die. For most men, that’s what our options are. For some of the women out there—please, for Christ’s sake, please pick something and do it well and do it seriously. Don’t try to do everything, and then do everything half assed. Thanks for listening.
by Anonymous User on 08:17 AM September 17th, 2005 EST (#5)
Your blog is realy very interesting.
by ArtflDgr on 08:44 PM August 2nd, 2005 EST (#2)
Just to be honest, I have nothing against equality of purpose and think its great that people get the chance to try and be what they CAN be. however...
There is an aside here that kind of really galls me. currently there are more women attending college than men. so upon starting out in the world we have slightly more men by birth. since the pop is near 50/50 the difference in percentage is the number of men that are now not going to college (and this reason is not always that they didnt cut it. there are also fewer scholarships for men, there are many more for women).
to make this short (since i am always too long winded). out there right now there are a ton of men that are being sidelined by a person that will putter out because they tried to do whats not really possible. she gets to experiment and see what happens, and he gets to not have as good a job as she will fritter away.
someone recently wrote that in englend there is a problem akin to this in medicine. that makes me think of how many scholarship dollars are not translated into their potential. not because they were given to a person that couldnt do the work, but that they were given to someone that wouldnt stay the course (if she had the kids while in school then her career would have been unbroken. she also would risk less birth defects and other problems). all for the sake of a social experiment in situe.
this woman thinks she scored big with 19 companies. major companies. well there are 30,000 companies in queens county ny (part of ny city). large companies are not the main mass, just a showey mass. such programs as was proposed will not work, and thats because of all the friction they cause. hmmm.. now single people dont get such flexibility. hey! wait, jaques and claude who have been together for years arent having kids. hey how come they get paid as much but we have to meet their nutty schedules. and all the other petty shit people will think up. if those companies underperform, they will blame those people. if they will do well, those people will not get credit, if they are given exess credit, you undermine those that dont have families. small companies cant aford the productivity hit.
what a freakin pickle.. because you cant make a cucumber out of a pickle and therefore there is no way to 'fix' it. oh, that wont stop them from trying though. we will be full out socialist and collapsed before they say that you cant make a cucumber from a pickle.
some things shouldnt be built fast or changed fast. card houses are one, societies are another.
at some point the speed of imposed change exeeds the speed of feedback and development no longer is guided but jumps without pause, and we have to live where it lands till it jumps again. All as we try to make better, what we made worse, using the same system and even more furvent lack of patience
by bigbadwolf3210 on 09:46 PM August 2nd, 2005 EST (#3)
these two comments really hit the nail on the head. lol... i've seen this fate. try being a single father with a sickly kid. he will see an unbeleiveable double standard as to the under qualified female counterpart in the same situation. he will more than not be forced out of his job while special provisions are made for her. she's just "being a good mom" awhile he is "compromised by outside personal interests" his work can be inpeckable. it will make no difference. they will ride him like a horse till they ride him out the door. but what's a po boy to do? then folks want to know how come he cannot hold a job for very long. then he gets "well that can't be right! they can't do that! if that were true you could sue them and own the company!" yeah right, not on my planet. they know how to ride a horse so as not to be thrown.
at least i got a descent severance.
a rabid bigbadwolf3210
by Rand T. on 03:25 AM August 3rd, 2005 EST (#4)
that women don't lose out financially because of this choice: the husband, who's the primary breadwinner, continues to earn money which the woman gets to share at least equally. During marriage - the man's standard of living is automatically becomes the woman's as well, as well as after divorce (divorce settlements). That's because money can be shared. Women's privileges, by contrast - the greater time spent with children, the more satisfying job/career (she can choose work based on interest rather than salary, as she's not the breadwinner) - cannot be shared. So while men lose out in all aspects - women generally don't. This aristocratic status is what the feminist movement is trying to maintain and expand.
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