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VAWA Hearing 7.19.05 Testimony Transcripts on Web
posted by Matt on 08:17 PM July 20th, 2005
Domestic Violence Roy writes "The Senate Judiciary Committee has published most of the transcripts from those who testified at yesterday's VAWA hearing. It is the usual litany of feminist misinformation, hysteria, and misandrist screed, with no mention of male DV victims that I could find on a first read. Testifying were the heads of the National Sherriff's Association, Director of the Office on Violence Against Women, Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, and actress Salma Hayek, among others."

Cellphone data may yield child support | RADAR Alert: Fresh Ammo for Shock and Awe  >

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We're in Deep Sh-- (Score:1)
by TheMadNucleus on 08:52 PM July 20th, 2005 EST (#1)
We have created a monster and there is no stopping it now - it will take decades of mens activism to bring these lobbyist down to size. The statements in those hearing are ridiculously one sided. They totally ignore the problems created by this bill and the fact that it is completely discriminatory. They have become self fulfilling and a means for everyone involved to get an easy win and go home feeling "good"

Yikes - what a mess
Re:We're in Deep Sh-- (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:43 PM July 20th, 2005 EST (#3)
"We have created a monster and there is no stopping it now - it will take decades of mens activism to bring these lobbyist down to size."

Yes, the poor oppressed femi's have so many billions poured on them, that if they get any more oppressed they'll be whipping our backs all the way to the grave or prison. Actually, they're doing that now. American men have less and less to lose every day.


Welcome to the new Evil Empire Click "View Larger"
2010 (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 09:41 PM July 20th, 2005 EST (#2)
By the time 2010 comes, it will be too late for me to join in any actions against VAWA, i will die of prostate cancer (ironically, because of lack of funding into men's health)
Were we really heard (Score:1)
by nivosus on 02:14 AM July 21st, 2005 EST (#4)
So much for the shock and awe. What of the comments I read stating that our concerns were being heard? Chalk another one up for feminist ideology.
only bloodshed (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 04:17 AM July 21st, 2005 EST (#5)
You know something ?, only the mohamedans can save us now !
Re:only bloodshed (Score:1)
by Denis on 08:45 AM July 21st, 2005 EST (#6)
I considered termination of the VAWA as a defining moment for the men's movement. A line drawn in the sand for all to see. It appears that there just are not enough men who are motivated to take action. I believe the awareness of what is going on in the society IS sinking in with men. But many do not act upon their new awareness.

This bill is a growing monster. It WILL affect the lives of ALL males over time.

It took about 10 minutes to write and fax a letter to one member of the Judiciary Committee.

Feminism is an evil that cannot sustain itself. However, the question remains to be answered as to how it will end.

Will good men take the lead and end the madness of feminism and reverse the eventual wreckage of this society or will society be wrecked to the point that symbiotically the society ceases to be? One, path gives hope and the other does not.

What kind of world do the fathers of America want for their sons? Do enough of them care?

Gender-Inclusive Speech (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 10:55 AM July 21st, 2005 EST (#7)
(This is Boy Genteel. I'm on vacation and haven't set up this computer yet with my MANN password.)

I have looked at Sen. Leahy's testimony. He DID mention a few times that abuse affects many people, regardless of gender, race, age, et al. And later he references women and men victimized by abuse. It's nowhere near enough, though.

Look, columnists in major newspapers are taking up our cause. No matter what happens with this, we will be heard. Keep making noise even after this case finished up. I know I will.
Non-Democratic Money Changers (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 11:19 AM July 21st, 2005 EST (#8)
Every witness that I reviewed was funded by the VAWA. There was not a single objection to any of the new language.

This is not even close to being a democratic process. What I'm observing is a socialist process that is backed and supported by Marxist-Feminists.

As expected, party affiliation does not matter. The Republicans are siding with the communists on VAWA.

Yes. We are in deep shit. That is why every person must 911 every public act of violence committed by women.

For example, yesterday on the way home there were a couple of young girls throwing objects from an overpass onto the freeway. If there were any way that I could have had them arrested, I would have. Those little girls need to be in jail.

The same must happen with every single female that even so much as calls her husband or domestic partner a name in public.

Women are quite violent. It is time they stop getting away with their violence.

We have seen the same pattern with women sexually assaulting little children. Until a few years ago, nobody would believe that women were child molesters. Nope. They were doing the children a favor.


But Don't Let Up (Score:1)
by TheMadNucleus on 01:58 PM July 21st, 2005 EST (#9)

I have contacted my representatives and I have sent Mr Tolman several faxes at 202-224-9102.

And I will continue to send information on this inequity until the bill is passed, defeted, or revised. Here is text of my latest mail - please feel free to copy it if you wish and send it to wherever.


Thursday, July 21, 2005
Fax Number: 202-224-9102

Attention Mr. Tolman

Critical information on VAWA

Please deliver immediately

Please consider all aspects of the VAWA bill very carefully. While violence against Women is clearly a serious and inexcusable crime, laws to address only violence perpetrated by men against women but not violence perpetrated by women against men is discriminatory and causes a myriad of serious legal problems ranging from false accusations to unfair imprisonment and harm to our children. Women can also be violent and if they abuse this law and remove a protective father under false pretence the harm exercised against children can be extensive.

Not all women are angels. Recall that the census bureau indicates that yearly there are hundreds of thousands of male victims of domestic violence perpetrated by women using everything from garden shovels to baseball bats - about 38% of all reported cases.

Men are routinely denied fair and balanced understanding and are routinely denied help if they are victims and women routinely make false accusations with no repercussions.

Please recognize your duty to all Americans, regardless of their gender, by ensuring that during the hearings on VAWA, testimony of a Male Domestic violence victim is heard. Furthermore, recognize that VAWA should be gender neutral and in its current form it is NOT a huge success as many have falsely purported.

Thank You.

Re:But Don't Let Up (Score:0)
by Anonymous User on 03:11 PM July 21st, 2005 EST (#10)
"I have contacted my representatives and I have sent Mr Tolman several faxes at 202-224-9102.

And I will continue to send information on this inequity until the bill is passed, defeted, or revised."

Me too. With the help of RADAR, I sent 5 Faxes and 6 snail mails to my elected Reps today. The worse thing we can do now is back off. Personally, I'm planning on cranking my activism up, and I don't plan on stopping if this abomination passes as is.

When Femi's voice their oppossition to me about what I have to say, my most frequent reply is, "Get used to it."

Hang in their folks, and ratchet up the Faxes, snail mails, phone calls or whatever you can do. I'm with you.

Sincerely, Ray
Re:But Don't Let Up (Score:1)
by Kyo on 12:59 PM July 22nd, 2005 EST (#11)

M. L. Carr's innumerate comments make me cringe:

According to the Department of Justice, 20% of violence against women in 2001 was committed by an intimate partner. Only 1 in 7 of these assaults comes to the attention of the police, and the number of sexual assaults reported is even less, with only 1 in 5 of those assaults reported.

Either he somehow thinks that 20% (assaults reported) is less than 14.3% (assaults police know about), or he's claiming the egregious statistic that only 1 in 35 assaults (police know about 1/7; 1/5 of *those* are reported) reault in police reports.

How many police reports were made last year of domestic violence? A prominent figure just testified to the US government that the actual number is thirty-five times this number. Perjury?


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