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Great letter Marc. Glad to see the paper printed them.
It's amazing to me how invisible and prevalent misandry is. People just don't see it until it is pointed out and even then they don't get it sometimes. We just have to keep pointing it out. Letters like yours have the potential to wake people up. Kudos.
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by SacredNaCl on 10:41 AM June 27th, 2005 EST (#2)
It's prevalent, but I don't think invisible is the right world. Blantant ...that might be the right word. Though I suppose you are right in that a fair number don't ever stop to think how the other half is treated. Though it is always interesting that the gender bias committees that almost every state has never seem to find any bias in the courts or prisons affecting men, but always come up with a list affecting women. In spite of longer sentences, bigger fines, harsher treatments, far worse and more inhumane conditions, higher conviction rates, and the liklihood of getting charged in the first place for men. So you may be right, there may be some invisibility field...
I watched 2 hours of Fox last night, between 7pm and 9pm central standard time. The shows were: Two episodes of the Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad. In that brief 2 hours I was subjected to more misandry than I care to recall. In one of the Simpsons episodes Lisa takes out a TRO against Bart, and pokes him with a sharp 20' long stick with a metal screwdriver taped to the end of it repeatedly.
That type of misandry isn't invisble at all, its blantant, in your face, and sickening. I taped it, and I'll probably put a breakdown of it in HTML when I have the time and publish it online.
Freedom Is Merely Privilege Extended Unless Enjoyed By One & All.
by Anonymous User on 02:14 PM June 27th, 2005 EST (#3)
I saw that episode of the Simpsons, last night.
It was stupid.
The Simpsons USED to be a pretty funny show but the longer it's been on the more preachy and anti-male it's become.
The same goes for Family Guy. At first it was really funny, for the most part. Stewie (the baby) and Brian (the dog) and their little tifts made my sides split. Their treatment of Peter Griffin (the dad) has always been pretty bad but it seems that it's gotten worse. The show was cancelled there for a while but then was brought back by "popular demand". But the new episodes have no soul, un-like the earlier episodes. Most of the time they are just a vehicle to show how men (represented by Peter) are just a bunch of dumb louts with no social or cultural value. At the very least the show is just weird now.
Taken by themselves, The Simpsons and Family Guy aren't so bad but when you factor in the ENORMOUS amount of negetive treatment of dads and men in general in the "entertainment" media it's more than any reasonable person can stomech.
I don't even bother watching 'American Dad', because I knew (from past expirience with the media) that it was simply gonna be yet another show that puts down dads and men as a whole and mocks our country. From what I've heared from others, that's exactly what it is and does.
B.T.W. didn't some one just recently refrence Family Guy on this site? Something about breast cancer.
Once I got it it was kind of funny. Which tells me that that episode was probably from last season, since the new season s&$ks...!
"Hoka hey!"
by Anonymous User on 05:52 PM June 27th, 2005 EST (#5)
I never saw "Family Guy", but,yes, someone recently posted a breast cancer "joke" which apparently featured on the programme. The "joke" had 3 feature which typified feminazi television:
1. The joke centred around breast cancer in a MAN. Breast cancer in a woman would never be the subject of a joke.
2. The man in question confuses "corpuscle" with "Arbuckle". Feminazi television would not tolerate such idiocy from a female character.
3. An insulting nickname preceded the surname "Arbuckle". Feminazi TV wouldn't tolerate insulting nicknames to be used against women.
Furthermore Mr Abuckle was destroyed by false allegations. He was a victim of female sexual violence. Feminazi TV would never allow a female victim of male violence to be incorporated in a "joke".
by Anonymous User on 05:27 PM June 27th, 2005 EST (#4)
"I applaud the article about the efforts of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and legislators to enact changes to California prison policies that recognize the gender differences."
Yes, feminists applaud the "recognition of gender differences" when this will confer privilege to women. Conversely, they emphatically reject "recognition of gender differences" when it confers privilege to men.
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